Temperate Fruit & Orchards > Temperate Fruit Discussion
Mature 14 foot Cherry Tree died.
Sad to say I just lossed a Mature Cherry tree that was already on my Property before I bought my House. I had many dreams of incredible cherry harvests that vanished in a season... What in the hell causes a Cherry tree do die like that? The tree was neglected for a about a year while the house sat on the market, but it flowered and flushed last spring. The Leaves did look extremely unhealthy and it dropped almost all the fruit as well, but everyone else on the forum reported lots of fruit drop as well for the Socal area... I'm assuming some sort of desease hit my Cherry tree considering everything else on my property is happy. Whatever the case is, it's extremely unfortunate.
Could be hungry moles and other rodents eating the roots. Or it could be the intense drought conditions killed it off.
--- Quote from: nullzero on February 17, 2015, 12:31:22 PM ---Could be hungry moles and other rodents eating the roots. Or it could be the intense drought conditions killed it off.
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Nullz I have a serious Gopher/mole issue on my Lot, nut sure which...but they literally uproot my Rosebushes with nothing but the Bud onion left on the bottom. Still it's surprising they can kill an entire tree? Also I'm sure it suffered from an extreme lack of water as it set on the market for so long in Socal where water rain is an illusion.
Now I need to figure out how to chop this big thing down and dig up the massive trunk along with it...Maybe I'll leave the stump and just plant another cherry tree next to it?
--- Quote from: ClayMango on February 17, 2015, 01:10:22 PM ---
--- Quote from: nullzero on February 17, 2015, 12:31:22 PM ---Could be hungry moles and other rodents eating the roots. Or it could be the intense drought conditions killed it off.
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Nullz I have a serious Gopher/mole issue on my Lot, nut sure which...but they literally uproot my Rosebushes with nothing but the Bud onion left on the bottom. Still it's surprising they can kill an entire tree? Also I'm sure it suffered from an extreme lack of water as it set on the market for so long in Socal where water rain is an illusion.
Now I need to figure out how to chop this big thing down and dig up the massive trunk along with it...Maybe I'll leave the stump and just plant another cherry tree next to it?
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I would plant something besides a cherry perhaps (since the conditions of whatever killed it, drought, disease, gopher, etc. may still exist at a future time). Perhaps you want to get a metal cage barrier in the ground around the root ball of the new plant, so it deters moles/gopher damage. I would consider a fig tree if you don't already have a bunch in your yard (drought tolerant and pretty disease resistant).
--- Quote from: nullzero on February 17, 2015, 01:39:21 PM ---
--- Quote from: ClayMango on February 17, 2015, 01:10:22 PM ---
--- Quote from: nullzero on February 17, 2015, 12:31:22 PM ---Could be hungry moles and other rodents eating the roots. Or it could be the intense drought conditions killed it off.
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Nullz I have a serious Gopher/mole issue on my Lot, nut sure which...but they literally uproot my Rosebushes with nothing but the Bud onion left on the bottom. Still it's surprising they can kill an entire tree? Also I'm sure it suffered from an extreme lack of water as it set on the market for so long in Socal where water rain is an illusion.
Now I need to figure out how to chop this big thing down and dig up the massive trunk along with it...Maybe I'll leave the stump and just plant another cherry tree next to it?
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I would plant something besides a cherry perhaps (since the conditions of whatever killed it, drought, disease, gopher, etc. may still exist at a future time). Perhaps you want to get a metal cage barrier in the ground around the root ball of the new plant, so it deters moles/gopher damage. I would consider a fig tree if you don't already have a bunch in your yard (drought tolerant and pretty disease resistant).
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Already in the works...Looking to score a "Smith" and an "Excel" fig tree... These 2 seem to be place in a God Tier when compared to the 100 plus Fig varieties out there according to reports on FIGS4FUN. The only thing that sucks is it's going to be hard to get these trees if i can't find them in CA...Seems like every place I'vewent to online is restricted from shipping to CA.....FML
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