Temperate Fruit & Orchards > Temperate Fruit Discussion

Passion Flower "Iridescence"

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--- Quote from: Triloba Tracker on February 15, 2016, 09:10:57 AM ---I was doing some web surfing over the weekend and found a nursery selling a passion vine called "Iridescence."

The place is Brushwood Nursery, http://www.gardenvines.com/ in Athens, GA.

"Iridescence" caught my eye because it claimed to be "Tasty-fruited" and it is listed as hardy to zone 7.

I had some communication with the Nursery, and here is additional information they shared:

* Better tasting fruit than incarnata
* Being sold for the first time
* Bred by an individual in Tennessee
* Exact pedigree is confidential but does include incarnata
I have ordered a vine and will update this thread with my experience over the year.

Anyone else heard of this variety or plan to purchase one?

--- End quote ---

Here's a post from the breeder describing it.


I've grown this for years. It is beautiful and prolific with its flowers. The fritillaries love it and it is vigorous enough to shake off their destruction.  It has spread 50 feet over time and pops up everywhere. It freezes to the ground but has easily recovered from the big Texas freeze a few years ago with no problem (single digits, lots of ice). It does contract virus easily which you can tell in the spring with yellow mottling on the foliage but becomes asymptomatic as the season progresses.  The fruit are almost nonexistent for me.


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