Temperate Fruit & Orchards > Temperate Fruit Discussion

vanilla persimmon

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The best way to remove astrigency from cultivars like Rojo brillante and Vaniglia?
Any tips?

I have not tried it, but here's what I read on how to remove any astringency from these varieties.

Rojo Brilliante is a persimmon variety with a distinct elongated dome-shape and a wonderfully smooth, bright orange exterior. It can have the astringency removed by carbon dioxide treatment, and is therefore delicious when eaten firm or soft, peel on or peel off. High levels of sweetness and flavour and a thin skin make this a very attractive variety.

Since the ones from the store is not astringent, I'm assuming it was already treated using this method.

I have been cultivating persimmon "Vanniglia " for many years. I got it from northern Italy. It flowers and bears fruit reliably after winters that are not too cold. However, late frosts are a problem. When these occur, the young shoots that have already formed flower buds freeze and the new shoots that follow usually bear little or no fruit.

"Vanniglia" fruits are mostly seedless. Very rarely are there seeds that can also be sown. When the fruits turn orange, they are still astringent as long as they are still hard. After harvesting before the heavier frosts, however, they can become soft after several weeks of storage and are then no longer astringent.

You can speed up the ripening or disappearance of the astringent taste by storing them together with ripe apples. These give off a ripening gas, which also causes other fruits to ripen more quickly.

If you have any further questions regarding persimmon "Vanniglia" and also others, I’m happy to help!

I am about zone 8 and can purchase either Nikita's gift hybrid persimmon or D. kaki 'Vaniglia' but I don't know which one to go for.

I have pretty mild summers compared to many places, it is a cloudy coastal climate here. Maybe D. kaki will perhaps not ripen as well?

Does something like vaniglia taste better or worse than a hybrid like NG in your opinions?

I only have space for one unfortunately so i am scared of getting a bad or unsuitable persimmon 😄


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