Temperate Fruit & Orchards > Temperate Fruit Discussion

Zone Pushing - What to grow in unheated greenhouse in 8a

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Rob From Sydney:
There's been a recent hardiness topic, it's worth reading.

I'm going to say that well developed white sapote can make it. Not something small but i just brought one in and other than new growth getting hit the reat of the plant is fine. I think it may be hardier than Avocado.


--- Quote from: CarolinaZone on December 12, 2024, 04:23:08 PM ---I'm going to say that well developed white sapote can make it. Not something small but i just brought one in and other than new growth getting hit the reat of the plant is fine. I think it may be hardier than Avocado.

--- End quote ---

I have a number of these in pots right now. I'm wondering how well these could do outside not in a greenhouse... Maybe in the right microclimate?  They did seem to take the cold snaps pretty well even young.


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