Citrus > Citrus General Discussion

Giant kumquat & Nordmann seedless

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In Europe, there is a kumquat known by the names "Margarita Big", "Margarita maxima", "Giant kumquat", "Giant oval kumquat", etc. Usually nurseries write that he comes from Sicily without any specifics.
On the forum In 2013, Ilya provides a link to the Sicilian nursery where this kumquat is sold. The structure of the site has changed and that page is no longer there, but you can find this kumquat there manually.  Interestingly, it is now called "KUMQUAT GIGANTE" and it is specified that it is "FORTUNELLA MARGARITA NORDMANN SEEDLESS". Do you think American Nordmann seedless and European Giant kumquat can be synonymous?

The Nordmann Seedless kumquat is quite small compared to marumi, fukushu, and hybrids.  I doubt it could ever be known as "Giant".

In my opinion, when it comes to kumquats small is better.  When they become too large they are more like sloppy oranges.

I had it on macrophilla roots, the taste was close to that of regular oval.  It was not resistant in Paris region.
When grafted on clementine in the South of France, the rind become rather thin and overall taste of fruits is closer to limequat.


--- Quote from: brian on July 26, 2024, 09:48:00 AM ---The Nordmann Seedless kumquat is quite small compared to marumi, fukushu, and hybrids.  I doubt it could ever be known as "Giant".

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So Nordmann is about the same size as a regular oval kumquat?

--- Quote from: Ilya11 on July 26, 2024, 10:56:32 AM ---I had it on macrophilla roots, the taste was close to that of regular oval.  It was not resistant in Paris region.
When grafted on clementine in the South of France, the rind become rather thin and overall taste of fruits is closer to limequat.

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Yes, Giant kumquat sometimes has a small nipple on its fruits, like on lemons. Are you suggesting that it could be kumquat×limequat?

My guess is that in reality it is Tavares limequat.


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