Selling some excess plants for pickup in East Bay Area, CA. Will deliver anywhere in the lower 48 at $0.67/mile round trip.
Tissue culture figs from Wellspring several years ago, in 2g pots. Root bound and neglected, but they're figs, so they're fine. $20 each. 4+ $15 each. These are currently $18-23 for a tiny one from Wellspring:
LSU purple x2
Black mission
Ischia x2
Little ruby
Ge neri x2
Beers black
Lost label (half price)
Celeste from cutting, not TC. Has been fruiting. Leaves show FMV
Thai Dwarf mulberry from cutting
7.5g fabric pot fruiting figs from DWN. Fruiting for several years, fruit on them now. I just have figs I like more, decided not to plant these. I think I actually paid $40 each for these five years ago. $50 each:
Vdb 7.5g
Janice 7.5g - Interesting rummy (?) flavor, pretty distinct from other figs I've tried.
7.5g fabric pots from tissue culture. Vigorous but not very fruitful for me. DK had one breba this year. $40 each:
Desert King
Yellow Long Neck
7.5g fabric pot seedling? white mulberry. Small fruit that turn slightly purple then brown, tastes like very sweet honeydew when fully ripe. Probably not enough yield to be worth growing for the fruit though. Strong apical dominance. The trunk and roots have a carrot-colored tinge. Probably a good rootstock, I'm just afraid it'll get huge. $30
Extra rootstocks $5 each, from Fruitwood this spring. Been sitting in pure peat for a few months, but they seem fine. I have around 5-8 of each. Sold bare root:
Apples bud 118
Colossal seedling Chestnut
Plum Myroblan
Pyrus OHF 97 Pear
Pachycereus hollandianus? 5g When buying pitaya, the nurseryman recommended this for the fruit. He didn't know the name, not positive on the ID. P. hollandianus isn't said to have particularly good fruit, so I dunno. VERY spiny! $40
Peruvian apple cactus, 5g has been gnawed on by squirrels. $30
Lophocereus schotii monstrose 1g rootbound $30
Trichocereus cuzcoensis 5g QTY 2 Good plant for home defense, or rootstocks. $30
Pereskia grandiflora 1g $10, or free with purchase
Eugenia myrcianthes, I think from a garlicy parent tree x2 $30 each
Bocking 14 comfrey. Have two 7.5g fabric pots packed with these, not divided for many years. Great if you want to propagate these. Though fair warning they're said to be impossible to get rid of, which is why I never planted these out. They can't produce seed though. $30 each.