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Messages - dontfearthecarolina

Pages: [1]
Cold Hardy Citrus / Re: Cold weather
« on: January 23, 2025, 08:27:43 AM »
Thomasville tiny seedling, small Yuzu, Dunstan Citrumelo, and Rusk Citrange all in ground, unprotected, and unaffected in zone 8B DFW. Lowest the past few weeks was 22F, but there have been many nights below freezing this January.

Citrus General Discussion / Re: Plant in ground now 8b?
« on: October 01, 2024, 04:40:00 PM »
I put a couple citranges in the ground last year in September in 8a. They are still alive.

Citrus General Discussion / Re: Grasshoppers
« on: September 18, 2024, 09:35:24 AM »
Have you tried the neem?

shucks, i’m in north texas so getting the plants is difficult. Stuck to seeds unless i want to go on a bootlegging road trip. Thanks for the rec on bellamy, interesting stuff.

Were you able to source seeds for any of these? I’m in a similar boat as you.

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