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Messages - SplorKeLZ

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How do you keep it hot and humid like south florida inside your house in northern Washington state in December and January!? Sounds delightful yet moist.
the place in my house i would put it would not get lower than 65f and usually not below 60% humidity and is interestingly much more humid in the winter

Have you fruited one in so cal yet? Can definitely be done in so cal but I still wouldn’t encourage it. Overwintering for 5 years to get fruit is a tricky gamble, and then they randomly die too. This thread is for Seattle so not super relevant anyhow.
For South Florida only.
+1 for Rollinia
the "climate" in my house is probably more similar to south florida than cali, but more inputs are always helpful
It's fast to grow and fruit for SoCal too. Depends on the strain, but 5 years from seed is not impossible. Once it gets about 2 ft tall in the ground it really bulks up.

I have a 4 year old seedling in the ground that looks like it's close to fruiting potentially next year.

Tropical Fruit Discussion / Re: Mamey not looking good
« on: October 03, 2024, 05:38:04 PM »
The only thing you can do is try to aerate the soil you do have by breaking it up some at the surface and not watering so much. I try to have a few different soils, amendments, and perlite around in bags. Good to stock up for situations like these where you may rapidly need to change the soil. 

It may be a goner, but you can try your best.

I have killed more plants, by orders of magnitude, by overwatering compared to under watering. This is especially true in cooler climates or periods of the year where plants are more susceptible to root issues.
its annoying because the beginning symptoms look similar, droopy leaves etc

And just to emphasize the point regarding space consideration. This is how big my soursop had to get before it started flowering…

was it grafted?

Tropical Fruit Discussion / Re: Mamey not looking good
« on: October 03, 2024, 03:55:06 PM »
what should i do? i dont have any other soil...

Tropical Fruit Discussion / Mamey not looking good
« on: October 03, 2024, 10:42:20 AM »
My mamey started wilting over the last week, at first it looked like a lack of water so i watered it but the wilting persisted. Does anyone know what is wrong?

Tropical Fruit Discussion / Re: when is rollinia in season?
« on: October 01, 2024, 09:31:23 PM »
At my place in north Broward in south east Florida most of mine ripened in May though April and June also had fruit. I've found that Rollinia do not ripen if picked green, and once they start to ripen the fruit ripens REALLY fast. From ripe and "deliciosa" to gooey snot to garbage in only a few days.

I agree agree Rollinia is NOT a good fruit to ship, even IF the USPS were on the ball which they're not. I once sent a small parcel from S.E Fla to Tampa and it took over two weeks to get there.

BTW, I have Geffner, Sugar apple, Custard apple, Kampong Mauve and soursop and I wouldn't trade one Rollinia for 10 of any other annona I have or have had. The lemon meringue, banana, and a hint of vanilla custard is an amazing taste treat.

I only gave ONE away and I do not make a habit of that! Sell? Nah! If I did my GF would be V-E-R-Y unhappy as it's her fave fruit :-)
guess i gotta get to buying  tree lol.

These trees are gone. I cannot find how to remove my own post. It looks like there is just no 'delete' option. If moderator can delete this post, please do.
just edit the topic to say something like CLOSED

Tropical Fruit Buy, Sell & Trade / Re: Selling Lisa Atemoya Fruit
« on: October 01, 2024, 02:45:25 PM »
I just sold all of those.
lol demand is high

Tropical Fruit Discussion / Re: when is rollinia in season?
« on: September 30, 2024, 09:31:24 PM »
They flower and fruit after some really good rains or continuous deep watering. Maybe the worst Annona fruit to think about shipping.
thanks! i have heard that, unfortunately i cant really get it any other way, willing to take a chance :P

Tropical Fruit Discussion / when is rollinia in season?
« on: September 30, 2024, 06:09:52 PM »
I posted in the BST asking if anyone had any rollinia among other fruits they would be willing to sell me. But when is it actually in season in SoFLo though? The online sources have mixed information

Tropical Fruit Discussion / anyone growing annona coriacea?
« on: September 29, 2024, 01:17:58 PM »
it looks like a cool fruit, has anyone fruited this or know if it is graft compatible with cherimoya?

nice macro photo! in my experience, they stay on the tree after death, but there is a noticeable difference in coloration between an alive and dead one. the dead ones also look a bit shriveled

Tropical Fruit Buy, Sell & Trade / Re: ISO, some fresh tropical fruit
« on: September 26, 2024, 09:58:41 PM »
I think what B2B is getting at is that there is no 1 good eugenia rootstock, as most are probably graft incompatible. Grafting within species is the safest bet, with exceptions. What eugenias do you want to grow?
ah, a few of the more common ones like pitanga, pitangatuba, pitomba, CORG, araza, and also some rarer ones, Pisiformis, burkartiana, anthropophaga, victoriana.

Cool, you already have some good rootstock. There are select varieties of pitanga, CORG, and pitangatuba that could be grafted on your plants. With the rare ones, might be a good idea to trade scions of same species from other growers, to improve chances of pollination, fruiting, and to increase diversity. I try to have at least 2 of each eugenia species.
i meant those where just eugenias i wanted to grow lol

Tropical Fruit Buy, Sell & Trade / Re: ISO, some fresh tropical fruit
« on: September 26, 2024, 09:24:09 PM »
I think what B2B is getting at is that there is no 1 good eugenia rootstock, as most are probably graft incompatible. Grafting within species is the safest bet, with exceptions. What eugenias do you want to grow?
ah, a few of the more common ones like pitanga, pitangatuba, pitomba, CORG, grumichama, araza, and also some rarer ones, Pisiformis, burkartiana, anthropophaga, victoriana.

What does that even mean?
also looking for a good eugenia rootstock
idk, anything that is compatible with many eugenias, preferably something decent sized. i want to start grafting eugenias but dont have a rootstock yet :P

also looking for a good eugenia rootstock

Jackfruit, mulberry, ambarella.
Which mulberry variety? I bought one that said dwarf on the tag yet it grew over 8 ft in over a year 😭
i think that was a joke...

Oh .. Well now I get it

Jackfruit, mulberry, ambarella.
Which mulberry variety? I bought one that said dwarf on the tag yet it grew over 8 ft in over a year 😭
i think that was a joke...

cool! looks like a pawpaw. how do they taste? how much would a seed cost?

I have basically exhausted all my local asian markets in terms of new fruit, does anyone have any rare fruit they would be interested in selling me? I would prefer a variety of several fruits
Some that i am interested in include:
Abiu, pouteria sp (excluding mamey) Chupa Chupa, Rollinia, any Annona, garcinia, Myrtacea spp, Artocarpus sp (this is a long shot) and really anything.
Im more interested in the rarer stuff as i have already had most of the more common ones (guava, jambu, sapodilla etc.) i am also interested all year round so if you see this post in june i am probably still interested
My budget is 40-50, so whatever that gets me is ok
Thank you!


Cock`s eggs (Salpichroa oreganifolia) taste like super strong Austrian rum
Ancient rambutan varieties are a taste explosion and probably the reason this precise species was domesticated. Modern rambutans have nothing like that
Jungle durians, especially Durio dulcis (smells pungently of paint, tastes of After Eight)
Tarap and the not related dwarf tamarillo share a very distinct strong flavor
Some jungle mangoes like M. foetida or M. pajang have a nauseating mashine oil / diesel flavor
In the Heidelberg botanic garden there is a banana tasting of apples, pears, cinnamon and caramel


I find Barbados Cherry flavor to be distinct as I struggle to describe it to others.

this. when green or very light yellow they are sour and have an almost tomato like taste. but if left on the three past the point of "cherry red" i find they turn a darker shade of red not as dark as a Bing cherry but same purple red hue. at that point the Barbados cherry have a very very intense flavor, its not a super exotic flavor but is unique enough recommend trying.
cool! Would you recommend getting a tree?

Jujube are quite unique...
i had a jujube once, to me it tasted like a bland green apple, but it wasnt a brown one

Perhaps a good approach to guesstimating uniqueness can by phylogenetics. Monotypic species (that is, species that are the only species in their genus) have no close living relatives making them unique plants. That doesn't necessarily guarantee that their flavor compounds will also be unique, but it could be a first step.

Some monotypic species from my head or a quick google search: caper, quince, bael (Aegle marmelos), brazilnut, saguaro fruit, kelubi, toyon, elephant apple, oso berry, osage orange (seed kernals are edible), jamaica cherry, nipa, and tamarin

Edit: Oh and zabala fruit!
thats actually a pretty good idea! The ones from the list that i have had certainly were unique

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