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Topics - SplorKeLZ

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Tropical Fruit Discussion / should I get a myrciaria vexator?
« on: October 10, 2024, 05:38:36 PM »
i have been reading about it lately, it looks cool and prolific. is it worth growing with somewhat limited space?

these two look very interesting, does anyone have any? how are they doing? would they be suitable for containers?

Tropical Fruit Discussion / has anybody fruited a Eugenia Burkartiana?
« on: October 08, 2024, 04:49:55 PM »
I just got a 3 year old plant from Anderson Tropicals at a pretty good price (I think). Are these all they are hyped up to be? how long do they take to fruit?

Tropical Fruit Discussion / Myrciaria Caerulescens
« on: October 08, 2024, 04:05:12 PM »
Anyone growing this one? it looks very interesting, BellamyTrees says it tastes better that a jaboticaba and fruits in two years. sounds promising

Tropical Fruit Discussion / What is this on my jaboticaba
« on: October 05, 2024, 03:17:15 PM »
I have a red hybrid jaboticaba that has not been doing well but is now pushing some new growth, i found these a week ago and some more today. What are they?

Tropical Fruit Discussion / Mamey not looking good
« on: October 03, 2024, 10:42:20 AM »
My mamey started wilting over the last week, at first it looked like a lack of water so i watered it but the wilting persisted. Does anyone know what is wrong?

Tropical Fruit Discussion / when is rollinia in season?
« on: September 30, 2024, 06:09:52 PM »
I posted in the BST asking if anyone had any rollinia among other fruits they would be willing to sell me. But when is it actually in season in SoFLo though? The online sources have mixed information

Tropical Fruit Discussion / anyone growing annona coriacea?
« on: September 29, 2024, 01:17:58 PM »
it looks like a cool fruit, has anyone fruited this or know if it is graft compatible with cherimoya?

I have basically exhausted all my local asian markets in terms of new fruit, does anyone have any rare fruit they would be interested in selling me? I would prefer a variety of several fruits
Some that i am interested in include:
Abiu, pouteria sp (excluding mamey) Chupa Chupa, Rollinia, any Annona, garcinia, Myrtacea spp, Artocarpus sp (this is a long shot) and really anything.
Im more interested in the rarer stuff as i have already had most of the more common ones (guava, jambu, sapodilla etc.) i am also interested all year round so if you see this post in june i am probably still interested
My budget is 40-50, so whatever that gets me is ok
Thank you!

people often ask, what's the best fruit, or the sweetest, but what about fruits with flavors that aren't found anywhere else and very unique? (of course, to a certain extent everything is "unique")

we have a poll for how much you spent, but how much have you made? i haven't been at it that long, so I hope some of my seedlings get big enough to sell in the near future

i constantly see these two mixed up, what are the differences, if any?

I am in search of something that could produce fruit this year, I don't have a preference for any propagation method. i am primarily looking for, any annonacea, mango, any pouteria or related genera especially abiu, cinnamon apple or lucuma, any artocarpus (doubt this is possible), garcinias and any myrtacea. i would prefer something that makes a good fruit

thank you!

Tropical Fruit Discussion / anyone growing chrysophyllum imperiale?
« on: September 10, 2024, 02:25:43 PM »
I am thinking of getting some seeds from Bellamy as it looks interesting, how are peoples growing experiences with this fruit?

This is the loquat that i found a while ago, i have 5 available, 12$ + shipping, today only. Pm me

The fruit is super sweet and very hardy. Makes fanta orange fruit

Tropical Fruit Buy, Sell & Trade / looking for a mature annona tree
« on: September 07, 2024, 01:34:41 PM »
im looking for a mature annona or rollinia, really any species works. i am looking for one that would fruit this or next year. seedling or grafted is fine
thanks! my budget is 50-60$


what are some extreme dwarf plants that make a good fruit? size taste and precocious is always a + too

i currently have annona warmigiana on my radar

Title says it all. also out of curiosity, what are the slowest?

Tropical Fruit Discussion / what are some interesting and tasty rare fruits
« on: September 04, 2024, 08:38:09 PM »
i really like collecting the very very rare fruits (annona, Eugenia, duguetia, plinia etc.)what are some that are obscure and yummy? seed to flesh ration and short fruiting time is also good

we are going to visit family in indiana for thanksgiving this year and really want to try some pawpaw, anyone who is from around there know any good spots or know where to look? we are willing to drive. im also looking for indiana persimmon

Tropical Fruit Discussion / how common are fruit trees in the wild
« on: August 30, 2024, 05:43:48 PM »
 I was wondering this, it seems like they are rare and hard to find, but then again all angiosperms make fruit and a lot are edible. if you were walking through the jungle, how many fruit trees would there be, and is there a "technique" for fining them?

i am looking to buy some rare grafted annonas, preferably "rarer" than ilama. i am looking for good seed to flesh ratio and size in particular. i am looking for A. dioica, A. cherimoliodes, A. sylvatica, A. salzmanni, A. vepretorum, A. crassiflora, A deceptrix or others. my budget is rather low at around 50-65$, but if anyone is ok with that price PM me


Tropical Fruit Discussion / Annona cherimoliodes
« on: August 22, 2024, 03:42:48 PM »
Is anyone growing this specie? Do you have any info on it?

Tropical Fruit Discussion / best rare annonas and duguetias
« on: August 20, 2024, 08:06:38 PM »
i am wanting to expand my "collection" of annonas (and Rollinias) and duguetias, which ones should i grow? i am mainly looking for good taste, easyness to separate pulp from seeds, good seed to flesh ratio, time to fruit from seed and size. i also have a few cherimoya rootstocks so anything that can be grafted to cherimoya is also helpful
i dont really mind a grainy or gooey texture although creamy is preferable

are there any annonas with edible seeds or skin?

i already have:
A. Cherimola (store variety)
A. densicoma
Annona sp "do acre" from bellamytrees (waiting to sprout)
Duguetia sp "Joao" fom bellamy (waiting to sprout)
D. Morecandiana (sprouted VERY fast, 20ish days)
D. lanceolata (waiting to sprout)
D. cauliflora (waiting to sprout)

Tropical Fruit Buy, Sell & Trade / oops
« on: August 20, 2024, 08:05:12 PM »
did it again >:( accidentally posted in the BST

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