Tropical Fruit > Tropical Fruit Discussion

10b - best snacking fruits for kids

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--- Quote from: FloridaManDan on February 06, 2023, 11:51:10 AM ---I personally prefer mulberry over blackberries, the trauma of brambles tearing me up is too much lol. although I am starting some mysore blue raspberry seeds from Brian Laufer, just out of curiosity.

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There are some good thornless blackberries that have have grown ok here in central FL 9b. Mysore has some of the biggest thorns of any rubus I have seen--more like rose thorns.

Lol yeah its a novelty plant for me, I read that they have nice large thorns everywhere that thorns can exist. Likely wont keep them, my Siam Jumbo mulberry fills that spot for me personally.

I read that Apache blackberry does well in zone 9 and 10, perhaps one day when I have more space.


--- Quote from: FloridaManDan on February 06, 2023, 11:51:10 AM ---Rainman, I think happyhana was referring to the Blackberry Jam Fruit (Rosenbergiodendron formosum - zone 10+), not blackberry as in the Rubus spp.

I personally prefer mulberry over blackberries, the trauma of brambles tearing me up is too much lol. although I am starting some mysore blue raspberry seeds from Brian Laufer, just out of curiosity.

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I think blackberry are worth revisiting. Many of the thornless varieties are supposed to be quite good


Im also in broward and acerola/barbados cherry are fantastic, the ripe fruit tastes like sweet tarts to me. Allegedly they used to plant them around schools down here and the kids would forage for them and get a boost in vitamin c, but then we learned how to synthesize it and the practice of planting them declined, but it is still time tested kid approved. The only problem ive had is with wind damaging the leaves during windy season. I havent experimented with it but their growth habit seems like it would respond well to hedging, they also have exceedingly dense wood, very sturdy when established, and you can get one at lowes, very available here.

I know its not forageable, but if you have the space for something extra I think pineapples look so beautiful and bring so much texture to tropical landscaping. Im growing some sugarloaf pineapples now and they are totally spineless/kid friendly


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