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Messages - happyhana

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Citrus General Discussion / Re: Sumo seedling
« on: January 13, 2025, 07:59:30 PM »
This looks like the most recent sumo seedling thread.

Any reports on dekopan seedling fruit quality and tree vigor?


Thanks for confirmation.

I’ve eaten the fruit dried and blended frozen into smoothie. Both techniques were delicious but still itchy. Heating then freezing is a good idea. If it’s the same as taro then heat should do it, thanks!

Has anyone observed varietal differences in the amount of itchy mouth black stuff?

Such a delicious and productive fruit but even when fully ripe and dropping scales mine leave a scratchy sensation on the tongue and throat.

Think I’ve read somewhere that the black stuff is responsible but I’ve not tested this.

Tropical Fruit Discussion / Re: Lychee in hot equatorial climate
« on: November 28, 2024, 03:47:36 PM »
Have any of you tried pruning to encourage bud formation during coolest temps?

Tropical Fruit Discussion / Re: Best tasting cattley guavas
« on: November 06, 2024, 11:27:04 PM »
I’m surrounded by a huge forest of mostly strawberrry and some lemon guava with common mixed in. I greatly prefer the strawberry and have seen no difference in fruit between countless trees. Larger fruit or few seeds would make this fruit worth grafting and growing but I haven’t seen it. At the moment acres of fermenting fruit carpet the ground and are breeding clouds of fruit flies. Beautiful tree but pretty terrible to live with.

Note on form: yellow get much bigger and are upright to 40’ plus. Red strawberry top out at about 20’. Both fruits about the same size, red larger on average and produces more abundantly.

Ah you must have been in Keanae. Those trees are great and the fruit is so beautiful but I can’t get past the smell.

Tropical Fruit Discussion / Re: When is a jaboticaba mature?
« on: October 22, 2024, 12:24:00 AM »
Jabos are great and I enjoy them in season, but if I was in a colder zone I’d definitely grow grapes! They are equal or greater, offer larger diversity of complex flavors and in much less time.

Great seller, buy with confidence. All of my monkey pot seeds from the last batch germinated and are growing well.

Tropical Fruit Discussion / Re: Bamboo
« on: October 06, 2024, 07:45:49 PM »
Growing a few for ornamental qualities and shoots: Dendrocalamus latifloris, D. asper hitam, Bambusa lako and Schizostachyum brachycladum.

Mostly I planted a lot of Guadua angustifolia which I think is the most useful for building and garden projects. Straight, super strong, open clumper, fast and tolerate variety of soils.

Tropical Fruit Discussion / Re: Bolt Mango- UNPARALLELED taste discovery.
« on: September 09, 2024, 03:15:33 PM »
Interspecific hybrid, do you know the other specie?

Wonder if this hybrid mango would perform well in wet humid conditions.

Japan is such a great country to visit. Though I’ve avoided the summer heat and missed the pineapples.

What was your favorite variety? Is the soft touch peach the best?

Tropical Fruit Discussion / Re: Not enough Durian Discussion
« on: August 12, 2024, 03:46:08 PM »
Fun to try different brands. The arroy-d one used to be very good but then it became hit or miss, they used to be $7-8 per packet in chinatown, now probably $20

Monthong close, the owner already has buyers lined at $10/lb  :o

Really great looking fruit!

What highs are you getting at leeward 1200’?

Does Monthong ripen properly and evenly at that elevation?

This gives me hope for my windward 800’ trees.

Tropical Fruit Discussion / Re: Is this an Emperor lychee?
« on: August 09, 2024, 09:58:32 PM »
"I thought inadequate chilling led to buds that develop leaves and flowers. So low fruit production not poor fruit quality?"

Also leads to off season fruit and poor quality.

30 years of growing lychee

Appreciate your experience and insight. Time will tell if this tree is a keeper; need to amend, fertilize and thin future crops.

Tropical Fruit Discussion / Re: Is this an Emperor lychee?
« on: August 09, 2024, 09:56:28 PM »
Emperor has a tendency to split. I think that is what causes the rotten fruits you are seeing. If you want less acid, let them get purplish red before picking. If I remember correctly, Chakrapad (Emperor) is not grown much in Australia because it is suposedly too sour. Here in Florida, they are not sour. Since it was bred in Thalinad, I assume that it has to do with the amount of heat we get durring ripening. Maybe you are more like Australia in Hawaii? Also, after looking more closely at the pictures, I have a few thoughts. It appears that the stem in the fruit comes straight down in your picture. In Emperor the stem typically attaches to the top of the fruit at an angle. Also, Emperor has a reddish flush when putting out new leaves. If your flush is bronze, it is not Emperor.

This is very insightful and helpful. Stem comes straight down and no, we don’t get the heat of Florida or Thailand. Highs at this location have been topping at about 80 and this summer has been cooler than normal. I will have to check for flush color.

Interesting characteristic, red flush, as I understand Emperor was developed in Thailand from Hainan King lychee. My Erdon Lee seedlings are related and also flush red, quite beautiful!

Tropical Fruit Discussion / Re: Is this an Emperor lychee?
« on: August 09, 2024, 01:57:44 PM »
Tree is about 20 years old and labeled Emperor. Origin is unknown whether clone or seed.

Most people I know grow Kaimana, with Groff a distant second. The culture and performance of Emperor in Hana is unknown to me. Cultivar may not be suited for this location.

Yes pics represent current state of tree. Mix of green, red sour and rotten fruit on same bunches. Tree has been shaded in the past and this is first real production since giving it more sunlight.

Not my tree, helping a friend. Moving forward if the tree does indeed look like Emperor then probably worth investment of amendments, fertilizer and pruning. Lots of fruiting trees here are volunteers or planted from seed. Bit of puzzle to figure what is worth keeping or replacing.

I thought inadequate chilling led to buds that develop leaves and flowers. So low fruit production not poor fruit quality?

Tropical Fruit Discussion / Re: Is this an Emperor lychee?
« on: August 08, 2024, 07:38:40 PM »
Thanks for the feedback, sounds like it is an Emperor but something went wrong with ripening.

My primary crop of interest is lychee and I’ve not heard or read about crop thinning. My understanding is the tree self regulates when the fruit are under pea sized. This particular tree only produced on a few branches this year, maybe 15% of total canopy. So it’s not like the tree was particularly stressed.

Is it slow growing? Lychees grow very fast here so this would be a relative measure, the answer is I don’t know. Been watching this tree for five years, it really took off when neighboring trees got a healthy pruning.

Tropical Fruit Discussion / Is this an Emperor lychee?
« on: August 06, 2024, 10:44:54 PM »
Requesting help from those who know the Emperor lychee.

Tree is labeled Emperor but the sour red fruit and giant seed have me thinking it is an Emperor seedling at best. Maybe the fruit didn’t ripen properly? Is the low flesh to seed ratio normal? I actually like sour fruit but these are too much and have landed in the compost pile.

Any thoughts and help appreciated.

Hmmm, are they in the US? Looks to be a Chinese nursery based on cultivars offered and lack of transparency.

Was planning on ordering grafted durian from Empi Trees on big island but just now noticing their site is no more.

Good luck with your grafting! Do you have access to black thorn and musang king material?

gotta DM Maja or Anthony Anderson directly on FB.  Other than that, Frankie's but he doesn't ship.  There's a guy on Maui (Haiku) I hear mixed things.  Small kine weird, but supposed to have good stuff.

Gotcha thanks! Their selection and knowledge looks to be great

Buddy told me Frankie’s will ship inter island palletized larger orders. Yes, I’ve checked out the haiku spot.

Currently clearing for avos and Garcinias, not sure I’ll get to durian this season. I’m also running out of spots with soil, lots of rock though!

Tropical Fruit Discussion / Re: dead?
« on: July 19, 2024, 02:06:06 PM »
This is the mango section.  ;D

I agree with this sentiment. Mango is by far the most common topic in general discussion, enough to warrant its own subsection. Bananas can remain in general discussion.

Tropical Fruit Discussion / Re: Pineapple thread
« on: July 16, 2024, 05:48:54 PM »
Interesting. I often buy and fruit maui gold. Fruit med high sweet and well balanced with some acidity. Core is edible but too tough for me. My plants get far less heat than Florida.

Hmmm, are they in the US? Looks to be a Chinese nursery based on cultivars offered and lack of transparency.

Was planning on ordering grafted durian from Empi Trees on big island but just now noticing their site is no more.

Good luck with your grafting! Do you have access to black thorn and musang king material?

Your named durians are seed grown or grafted? Thanks

Tropical Fruit Discussion / Re: Yellow sap in mangosteen
« on: June 20, 2024, 08:45:55 PM »
Aloha Ben, you in Hawaii?

Gypsum is recommended form of calcium here. Dolomite raises ph and adds magnesium which we generally have enough of. Gypsum also has sulphur and will not increase ph. What Peter said, best to have soil analysis.

Tropical Fruit Discussion / Re: Yellow sap in mangosteen
« on: June 20, 2024, 12:03:52 AM »
Thank you for the insights!

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