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Topics - happyhana

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Tropical Fruit Discussion / Is this an Emperor lychee?
« on: August 06, 2024, 10:44:54 PM »
Requesting help from those who know the Emperor lychee.

Tree is labeled Emperor but the sour red fruit and giant seed have me thinking it is an Emperor seedling at best. Maybe the fruit didn’t ripen properly? Is the low flesh to seed ratio normal? I actually like sour fruit but these are too much and have landed in the compost pile.

Any thoughts and help appreciated.

I’m currently growing, juicing and making syrup from two Hawaiian sugar cane varieties: Honua’ula (purple canes with purple foliage) and ‘Ie’ie aka Kava Rangri (red cane with green variegated foliage).

In my limited experience they produce delicious juice and make an amazing syrup. However, as a sweetener they are powerfully flavored so I’m looking for a cane that would produce a more neutral tasting syrup, any suggestions?

Tropical Fruit Discussion / Acclimatizing S American Garcinias
« on: February 23, 2024, 02:06:09 PM »
Preparing to plant out a batch of achachairu, acuminata and modruno from the nursery. Grown in tree pots they are at least two years old and two foot tall. Grown under 50% shade and have been exposed to morning sun for the last month to get them ready for the field.

Yesterday I noticed some leaf burn and drop on the achachairus. With rainy cool conditions ahead now is the time to plant but I don’t want to lose these plants or have to shade in the field.

Is this typical? Will they adapt and reshoot in ground or do I risk losing these plants?

Achachairu strikes me as very robust so I’m inclined to go for it and let them figure it out in ground.

Any advice on where to shop and what to expect?

Especially interested in finding: different lychees including Erdon Lee, the best passion fruit, amber jackfruit, mammoth atemoyas, achachairu and small leaf mangosteen.


Seedlings are about six months old, began having foliar problem about 3 months ago in cool wet winter, all 9 plants affected. Grown in tree pots with Promix MP+, peat based and perlite potting soil. Neighboring cacao, macnut, cashew and soursop unaffected. Any help appreciated!

There are a couple mature rainbow gums on the property I plan to collect seed from this year to expand the rainbow forest. They are such captivating trees and I must have more!

They produce a beautiful medium shade that would be great for my growing collection of Theobromas and other misc fruit trees that tolerate shade. My concern is whether E. deglupta plays nice with understory trees, specifically cacao and Dalbergia retusa cocobolo.

Hoping someone on here has experience with these combinations, mahalo!

I’ve read in several forum posts that bulala is graft compatible with pulasan and grows much more vigorously than pulasan. Has anyone tested this combo and have results to share? I’m interested in learning if bulala increases pulasan overall vigor: growth rate, time to first harvest, fruit regularity and production level.

Also read that bulala rootstock can overwhelm the pulasan with suckers, but can’t find any info on how bulala affects growth, fruiting and resistance to pests.

Any tips appreciated, this may be a question only answered by trying!

N. cuspidatum giant rambutan compatible with any other Nephelium rootstock?

Tropical Fruit Discussion / Hawaii pulasan season?
« on: November 05, 2020, 01:00:15 PM »
Aloha! What is the typical pulasan season in Hawaii?

Also, I’ve been checking local markets here on Maui and haven’t seen a one! Has the season past this year or is it late? Hopefully I haven’t missed it!

Tropical Fruit Discussion / Sapindaceae seedling success rates
« on: October 31, 2020, 05:49:34 PM »
I’ve started a number of soapberry seedlings this year. Curious if anyone has a educated guess or anecdotal evidence as to the success rate of seedlings.

Put another way, if you planted a hundred seeds of a known quality cultivar, what percentage of seedlings would have equal or superior fruit to the parent?

Lychee, rambutan, pulasan and mamoncillo

Tropical Fruit Discussion / MikeT’s Mystery Mangosteen
« on: October 23, 2020, 06:34:47 PM »
Please tell us more about this fantastically giant example

Is it really a new variety/hybrid or just an exceptionally large fruit? I thought all mangosteens, aside from mesta, are clones

As a lychee lover I can forgive a lot of supposed lychee sins such as big seed, rag, sour, green skin and irregular bearing. What limits my consumption is the juiceplosion upon opening, rinsing my hands and repeating.

After reading so much about how the Chinese prize the dry and clean quality, I wonder, why don’t we see this trait? Have the traits of aborted seed, bright red, tons of sugar and little rag won out in breeding programs? Is dryness not compatible with another characteristic such as little rag?

Perhaps a topic for a new thread; how many Kaimana seedlings would need to be planted before a dry and clean lychee was found?

Any insights for a newbie are appreciated. Please stop me before I begin planting lychee seedlings in every spare nook I can find.

Tropical Fruit Buy, Sell & Trade / WTB Mangosteen seed or fruit from Hawaii
« on: September 21, 2020, 07:51:15 PM »
Aloha, looking for a total of 200 fresh purple mangosteen fruit or seed sent to Maui. Thank you!

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