Temperate Fruit & Orchards > Temperate Fruit Discussion

Ribes aureum (golden currant) worth keeping?

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So an update. My golden currant bushes produced well this year. Planted in a pretty shaded area, but received more sun due to neighbors elms getting ded. Also had a much wetter summer than average. I think they may be used to a sunnier drier climate (not native to my province). Berries ripening later than my red currants, and about the same time as my gooseberries. The flavor and yield is “fine”, nothing compared to my cultivated currants or gooseberries. They were quite small and reminded me of black currants, but I’m not sure how accurate that is as I haven’t grown any in 10 years because I didn’t like them.

I've discovered that golden currants seem to be extremely drought tolerant, which is very exciting.  They are often used for xeriscaped landscaping here, and they even fruit successfully.  On top of that, I sorta kinda forgot to water my brand new Crandall clove currant for three months in intense heat and no rainfall, and it survived just fine.  Full sun, too.  So, I think those plants are very impressive survivors.

Another update:

After letting them ripen on the shrub longer I found the flavour has improved significantly.i have the black variety not the gold ones. yes they do appear to be very drought tolerant.in conclusion they are worth keeping.

Ok. Can you describe the taste? I haven't yet had a black currwnt that I liked .

It’s been a while since I tasted it, and my vocabulary is often limited to 4 letter words, so I can’t accurately describe it. I detest traditional Black currants, I used to grown them for my mother in law.  I have the black cultivar but it did not taste like a “black currant” when fully ripe. I liked it as much as my best gooseberries. I’m honing to hunt down a traditional golden one for next year.


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