Everything Else > Tropical Vegetables and Other Edibles

Shade Grown Florida Tomatoes

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Some of my shaded tomatoes are still kicking out flowers and looking good in the middle of summer!

Green _ScienX:

--- Quote from: Galatians522 on July 02, 2024, 09:30:19 AM ---Suganya, I think this forum is a great way to share information.

--- End quote ---

Thank you so much for your input @Galatians522

Yes! Thank you for bringing this up. I plant under trees as well. May get fewer fruits and veggies in each season but they are more health and longer lived. This allows peppers to live for years. End result is higher yield with less input. That I like!

Summer heat and sun are brutal on veggies. Leads to plant failure, disappointment and even a lot of people abandoning gardening all together. When asked, my first advice is to grow veggies in fall/winter season or with shade in the hottest part of the day.

Tomatoes are sun-loving plants, but they are susceptible to sun exposure in very hot and sunny environments, especially if their foliage is sparse. The solution given is to provide a black net to shade the tomatoes. Shade for tomatoes can actually increase their yield. In fact, a study of tomatoes in a commercial growing environment found that sun-shaded tomatoes had a 40% increase in leaf area and a nearly 50% increase in yield. Sun protection of tomatoes also produces beautiful, succulent fruits.

Green _ScienX:
Hi @DavidBYE,

Thanks for sharing your experience! 🌿 I completely agree with you and like about the benefits of planting under trees. It's amazing how much healthier and longer-lived the plants can be with a bit of shade.

The summer heat can indeed be harsh on veggies, causing stress and disappointment. Growing veggies in the fall/winter or providing some shade during the hottest part of the day sounds like a smart approach. It’s all about finding ways to make gardening enjoyable and sustainable.

Have you ever tried using coco peat for your plants? It helps retain moisture and keeps the roots cool, making it great for managing heat stress. Green ScienX offers fantastic coir grow bags that could be a perfect addition to your gardening setup. Happy gardening!

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Green ScienX


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