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Topics - Galatians522

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Tropical Fruit Discussion / Chenguang Jujube
« on: January 31, 2025, 10:49:38 PM »
Is anyone familiar with the Chenguang Chinese Jujube? Apparently, it is a new very high quality tetraploid Chinese jujube with a size almost double other Chinese Jujubes at 40 grams. Also, since it is tetraploid, it might be possible to create a hybrid with the Indian Jujube.

Tropical Fruit Discussion / Tropical Apple/Pear Relatives
« on: January 14, 2025, 07:55:54 PM »
Is anyone out there growing tropical apple relatives such as Assam Apple (Docynia indica) or Taiwan Crabapple (Malus doumeri var formosana)?

My curiosity was pricked by a video from Jan Dolin showing a Granny Smith apple fruiting (somewhat sparsely) in her central Florida yard. If the tree had been larger, the yield would not have been that bad. It made me think that the dwarfing rootstocks used for most apples are not good for Florida.

That reminded me of some reading I had done in the past. Apparently, Assam Apple is quite graft compatible with Quince and pear and is an evergreen native to tropical and sub tropical India. Taiwan Crabapple is native to subtropical southern China and tropical Vietnam (where it is reported to grow with coffee and citrus). John Fairey gardens apparently has a specimine in Texas that is quite at home.

Tropical Fruit Discussion / Top Working CORG
« on: January 07, 2025, 03:27:39 PM »
My Dad has a mostly fruitless CORG at his place (flowers fine but close to 0 fruit set) that he has asked me to top work with some improved varieties. Does anyone have any recommendations regarding varieties and good temps for getting takes? Thanks!

Tropical Fruit Discussion / White Illama Taste Review
« on: October 12, 2024, 02:03:15 PM »
Thanks to a generous friend, I got to try a white Illama this week for the first time. If you think sugar apple or atemoya is too sweet, this would be a good fruit to try. It has an excellent ballence of sweet and sour. The flavor profile is way different from atemoya--more like a soursop with a little pond apple thrown in the mix. Of course, trying to describe flavors is tricky, but it is more similar to soursop than anything else I have tried. While a lot of people on here have probably tried (or could try) frozen or canned soursop pulp, not many outside of Florida have tried pond apple. If that is you, think "close to soursop but not quite the same" you'll be on point. Its kindof like trying to imagine what an orange tastes like when you have only eaten tangerines--similar but not the same. As expected the peel was very thick for an annona (about as thick as a lemon peel) which made it easy to scoop the pulp out with a spoon. The seeds are large (about 3x the size of a sugarapple seed) and the pulp sticks to them a little more than other annonas I have tried. There was no grit unless you tried to scrape next to the thick peel. I assume this tree was a seedling, so if you have tasted one with a different flavor profile, let me know what you think.

Tropical Fruit Discussion / Happy 4th!
« on: July 04, 2024, 08:06:53 AM »
Happy Independence day! So far this week I've had lots of Okrung mango from my seedling tree, White Sapote, and the last of the Scarlet Beauty Plums. Oh, I also had some tasty wild grape juice (after adding sugar). No bananas, pineapple, or papaya yet. But, they are on the way. What fruits does everyone else have ripening?

Tropical Fruit Discussion / Florida's Forgotten Rare Fruits
« on: June 11, 2024, 11:45:22 AM »
Sometimes we can get so interested in exotic rare fruits that we forget about the rare fruits that we have right here at home. So, I'm going to start this by talking about the wild Flatwoods Plums (Prunus umbellata) that are ripening now in Highlands County. These are one of three native plum species I have found here. The others are Chickisaw and Scrub Plum (which have all ripened by now and are gone). The tree typically grows with a single trunk and the fruits are not very bothered by Curculio or brown rot. The trees are also very long lived if they don't get shaded out. I believe one of the trees in this wild grove to be close to 100 years old!

If you grow Scarlet Beauty plum, you may notice how similar they look. I am pretty sure that this is the Plum species that Ronald Lambert of Wauchula used in breeding Scarlet Beauty. I have seen these Flatwoods Plums put out full bloom with <40 hrs of chill (I have a hunch that they will go even lower than that). Scientists think that the really southern Flatwoods Plums got some of their adaptability from natural hybridization with Scrub Plum. The fruits are very similar to Cranberries in taste. So, they aren't good fresh, but they make a great substitute for cranberry or roselle jelly. I may even try to make some sauce for thanksgiving or fruit leather if I get enough. Finally, they make a great long lived rootstock for plums such as Scarlet Beauty (the peach type rootstock recommended for Florida has not been long lived in my experience).

Tropical Vegetables and Other Edibles / Shade Grown Florida Tomatoes
« on: April 14, 2024, 11:32:56 AM »
One of the things I enjoy about gardening and growing fruit is the opportunity to learn new things from other people who do things differently. For years I only grew tomatoes in full sun, but due to the influence of an older gentleman in my community, I decided to try growing some in part shade. The original plan was to grow 1/2 a row of indeterminate cherry, grape, and Campari tomatoes in part shade. The other half of the row in full shade would be planted with peppers. Apparently, an armadillo had other plans. Somehow he managed to destroy all the pepper plants but left the tomatoes almost untouched. Since I had great germination on the tomatoes, I filled in the now vacted pepper spots with transplanted tomatoes. To my great surprise the half in full dapled shade produced just fine. I would estimate about a 20% reduction in yield compared with full sun, but with all the tomatoes that were produced I did not miss them. The canopy also helped protect the plants from frost. Below is a picture of an unidentified "black" (really mahogany) grape tomato growing on the shaded end of the row. To the right is an Everglades tomato that I threw in to finish off the row. You can see the oak trees in the background and the trusses loaded with fruit and blooms (20-40 fruits per truss). My last observation is that full sun plants start fruiting sooner but the shaded plants fruit longer. What has your experience been?

Tropical Vegetables and Other Edibles / Everglades Tomato Hybrids
« on: April 12, 2024, 07:29:59 PM »
I decided to let a bunch of volunteer tomatoes grow this year and ended up with a ton of Everglades plants. However, since I was lazy I just let them sprawl instead of staking them. To my great surprise, I discovered some plants that appear to be hybrids with the other tomatoes that I grew last year.

Typical Everglades on the left with hybrid on the right. Plant growth is the same as Everglades, but fruit size is much larger and the skin resists cracking. Now if only I can stabilize these genetics...

Got some nice Kuroda and Purple Dragon Carrots this year. I'm thinking of growing some Uberlandia annual carrots next year so I can save my own seed. As a bonus, it seems the Uberlandia has some nematode resistance which is very unusual among cultivated carrots. Does anyone have experuence growing and eating it?

Tropical Fruit Discussion / Best Self Fertile Sapodilla
« on: March 09, 2024, 07:24:45 PM »
I am thinking about getting a sapodilla. Does anyone have a recommendation for a good one that is self fertile? The one my dad had years ago was not. I hear a lot about Butterscotch. Does anyone know if it is self fertile?

What vegetables grew well for you this summer/fall? Here in Central Florida I had great success with Thailand Long Beans From Cody Cove Farm and Nursery. They are a vigna unguiculata cultivar that can be used as a snap bean or southern (Blackeye) pea. The pods were particularly good in casserole type dishes (greenbean casserole, shepards pie, etc). We got so many, though, that I started letting the pods fill out for shelling peas. Although its a lot of work, they were tasty and go well in just about any recipes that calls for beans. We had them southern style, in tacos, soup, and hummus. They were supposed to be a bush type, but my soil is apparently very fertile and mine filled most of the 12x12 garden they were planted in and climbed up my tomato stakes. What grew well for you?

Temperate Fruit Buy, Sell, & Trade / WTB Adara/Puente Plum Budwood
« on: September 24, 2023, 10:29:54 PM »
Does anyone have any leads for the Adara (aka Puente) plum that is used as a cherry rootstock/interstem? I finally have some plum rootstocks that survive long term here in Florida and would like to convert them to Christobalina cherry for my Dad. This is something he has wanted for years and I would like to make it a reality for him. Typical cherry rootstock is very poorly adapted here.

Tropical Fruit Discussion / Taste Review Groff Lychee
« on: July 07, 2023, 11:06:18 PM »
I had heard mixed reviews about this Lychee in the past and was excited to finally be able to try it for myself. Groff is a Hak Ip seedling selection from Hawaii that is reported to be a reliable fruiter and very late. As expected, fruits ripened in the late season (with Emperor) and had a fairly thorny peel. While the fruits were on the small side, most of them had shriveled seeds so the edible portion was not much different than the B3 lychees I was eating at the same time (size has been on of the major knocks against this lychee from what I have read). The favor was good--something of a mix between Mauritius and Brewster with a little kick at the end almost like the bite you get from a carbonated beverage. I don't know if that was unique to this batch, or if that is typical for Groff. In any case, this added depth was a pleasent surprise. Finally, they seem to keep their flavor much better in storage than the other late season option (Emperor can go flat quickly iif it gets over ripe). There was very little loss in quality after more than a week of refrigerated storage. Over all, I was highly impressed by this little lychee. American $1 coins are about an inch for reference.

I recently had the opportunity to taste this lychee for the first time and thought that it might be interesting to do a taste review. B3 is reported to be one of the most consistent cropping lychees in warm climates and is a commercial cultivar in Australia. It ripened during the late-midseason window (approximately the same time as Brewster). I was able to try the fruit at two stages. The first fruits that I got (about 2 weeks ago) were perfectly ripe to my palate. At that stage, the fruits had an orangish pink color to the peel (which is a little thicker than the average lychee). At the orange stage, the fruits had an amazing Lychee/Pineapple flavor that I have not tasted in other Lychee. The flesh was about the same texture as Mauritius (medium crisp) and most of the seeds were fully formed. The ones that I got this week were fully colored reddish pink. They were slightly over ripe to my palate, but would possibly be more acceptable to people who do not appreciate a sub-acid flavor. At the reddish pink stage the pineapple flavor was mostly gone and the flavor was much closer to a fully ripe Mauritius lychee that has lost its acidity. I'll try to add a picture below. American $1 coins are about 1" for reference.

I have grown summer squash (Curcubita pepo) here in Florida for a number if years. This species includes acorn, spaghetti, yellow crookneck, and zucchini squashes. They are susceptible to mildew and bugs. This year, I tried growing Tromboncino squash instead. This is an Italian heirloom summer squash in the Curcubita moschata species. Moschata squashes are resistant to bugs like squash vine borer (note: resistant--not immune). Some moschata squashes like Seminole Pumpkin are also resistant to mildew. They also make massive vines instead of a bush like the pepo squashes. I am very pleased to report that the Tromboncino was a huge success. I planted around Valentine's day and the vines are still going strong at the beginning of June with only about 10% of the pest and disease issues I had with the pepo squashes. The flavor is fine textured and excellent--like a good zucchini. I have been giving squashes away for weeks and have a dozen in the fridge now. All of this is from 4 hills with about 5 seeds each! The only down side is that they have taken up about a 30 x 12 space in my garden and are still growing. I have let a few fruits mature and they are like a massive butternut squash with a super long neck (or a Tahetian Melon squash if you are familiar with that). I can't comment on the flavor of the mature squash yet, but I hear they are like a butternut. They appear to have slightly less resistance to mildew than the Seminole, but still very good.

Tropical Fruit Discussion / Physalis Species Review
« on: May 28, 2023, 10:21:16 PM »
So, I grew two kinds of Physalis this year: New Hannover Ground Cherry (Physalis pruinosa) from Baker Creek and Ayacucho Giant Cape Gooseberry (Physalis peruviana) from Trade Winds. The ground cherry I planted in November and the Cape Gooseberry I planted in January. I can see why they are different species because the plants are totally different. The ground cherry grows low to the ground (~12") and likes cool but not freezing temps. The Cape Gooseberry has leaves that are almost 10 times the size of the ground cherry and makes a bush 4-5' tall! Both were less trouble to grow than most tomatoes (Everglades being the exception) with the Cape Gooseberry being the easier of the two in Florida conditions. Berries on the New Hannover run from 1/4" - 5/8" with the average being slightly less than 1/2". Berries on the Cape Gooseberry run from 5/8" to over an 1". I have not picked as many yet, but the average seems to be between 3/4" and 7/8." This may not sound like much but it makes a huge difference in how long it takes to fill a bucket. For flavor I like the Cape Gooseberry better. They have a fruity, perfumy, sweet and sour taste that is hard to describe. The New Hanover (a taste test winner apparently) had more of a 1 dimensional flavor to me. It was good, but you had to eat half a dozen to get the full flavor because of the small size. Plus, it had the bad habbit of dropping fruit before it was fully ripe and unlike a tomato they will not ripen off the bush unless they have already started the color break on the plant--very frustrating. Based on this one season I think the Cape Gooseberry (called Poha) in Hawaii is a better choice for most Florida gardens--bigger fruit, stonger flavor, and tougher plant. The ground cherry excells in two areas, though. It is much easier to cover in the frost (just throw a blanket over the top) and it is not smashed by high winds (staking or caging may have helped with that on the Cape Gooseberry). I think I will continue to grow both--at least for a couple seasons.

Please let me know your thoughts on this or experiences with other Physalis.

Looks like Top Tropicals has opened a new location off of SR 66 near Sebring. The public entrance is at 9100 McRoy. They are open from 9-4 on Fridays and Saturdays. There was a very nice selection of plants from what I saw.

I was reading Baker Creek's seed catalogue and it says that the ripe aril on their Jyunpaku bitter melon from Okinowa is sweet and tastes like cherry candy. Can anyone verify if this is true and if there is enough flesh to bother with? If it is, I may have to grow some just to try it. Note: for anyone who does not know, the aril is edible but the seeds are poisonous.

Tropical Fruit Discussion / Tropical Fruit Holiday Foods
« on: December 05, 2022, 10:32:49 PM »
Have you tried using tropical fruit as a substitute in a favorite holiday recipee? Or have you come up with a new dish that you would like to try? Maybe you tried something and it was a failure. Share your ideas here! If you have a recipee to share let us know that you'll be posting something in the recipe section.

Here are some of mine to get us started:

I like freezing sliced green mango that dropped earlier in the year to use in apple recipes this time of year. Works like a charm--we had some tonight actually.

As for failures, I can verify that Suriname cherries do not make a great cherry pie. We tried this once when I was a kid. That was the only pie I ever remember getting thrown away.

A recent thread got me thinking that we need a place to exchange constructive advice about how to best ship/recieve the rare planting material or products that we value as a part of this group. Hopefully, those of you who have lots of experience with this will comment so that others can learn from your experience.

Tropical Fruit Discussion / Heaviest Mango 2022
« on: July 18, 2022, 09:44:51 PM »
Just curious what everyone's largest/heaviest mango has been for the year. A Friend gave me a mango off her tree today that weighs 3lbs 6oz. And from what she said that was not the largest fruit on the tree! I suspect that the tree is a Springfels or maybe a seedling of Springfels.

Tropical Fruit Discussion / Most Cold Hardy Dragonfruit?
« on: May 14, 2022, 03:05:22 PM »
Texas Mark posted a while back about how his Sugar Dragon survived some pretty extreme cold when his green house lost power. That got me thinking that there might be some clones with more cold tollerence than most people realize. I was hoping everyone could chime in on what varieties they are growing and what temperature they have survived without getting damaged. My Delight got toasted pretty good in the mid 20s here. I am especially interested in information on any of the forms of Paul Thimpson's S8 (Sugar Dragon/Voodoo Child) and Houghton (its parent) if you have them. Thanks for your help!

Tropical Fruit Discussion / Jack Bean for Nematodes
« on: May 06, 2022, 10:37:28 PM »
There has been a lot of discussion lately about dealing with root knot nematodes. So, I thought people might be interested in this article. Apparently, Jack Bean seed powder is highly effective at controling nematodes. 1% inclusion in potting soil (by weight) reduced nematoed galling by 98%!

According to my calculations that would require an application rate of approximately 4 cups of jack bean seed powder per square foot. Assuming that 1 cubic foot of soil (sand) weighs 100 lbs and that most nematodes inhabit the top 10" of the soil matrix. One would also have applied approximately 1,500 lbs of total nitrogen per acre (most of it presumably slowly available). Assuming that jack bean powder would weigh about the same as chick pea flour and that jack bean seeds are 4.5% nitrogen (equivalent to 29% protein).

There always seems to be a catch...

Tropical Fruit Discussion / May Mango Bloom in Florida???
« on: May 06, 2022, 09:59:45 PM »
So, I was out in the yard today and noticed that an okrung mango seedling has some bloom just starting. I pruned it back hard around the beginning of April because of cold damage (I didn't have time to freeze protect the tree because of everything else I had going on). I have always thought that somewhere around the middle of April was the latest opportunity for mango bloom here, but I guess I was wrong.  8)

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