Everything Else > Tropical Vegetables and Other Edibles - Buy, Sell, & Trade

A few available plants


Have 4in potted plants of the following:

Suriname purslane $6
Variegated Mugwort $7
Society garlic $5
Yarrow $5
Potato mint $6
Native violets $5
Thai lolot pepper leaf $7
Hoja Santa $6
Anatto $8
Sisso spinach $6
Okinawa spinach $6
Chaya two types $7
Opuntia edible pad cactus $6
Dragon fruits $6
German forest strawberry $5
Suriname cherries $6
Alpinia nutans $6
Jewels of Opar $5
Heimia salicifolia $8
Purple Lamb's Quarters $5 (annual but prolific self seeder)

Price of item(s) plus applicable shipping costs.

Thanks! DG

I've got many of these plants available again. Also other stuff not in this list. If anyone is interested in what's available for shipping hit me up.


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