Hello Rei, thank you for your report and welcome to the forum. You've already gained a lot of experience, that's great! haven't you been active in any forums yet?
Concerning the Yuzu Citrumelo discussion:
In my opinion, Staruzu is the better choice than Yuzmelo from Zdenek (which you can get from e.g. Adavo, for example)
Yuzmelo Zdenek is quite hardy, Staruzu should be similar, but there is hardly any experience yet. Yuzmelo has already survived frost while in pot, not very deep frost but sufficient. The leaves also turn slightly reddish in winter temperatures, as if hinting at autumn coloration. However, the coloration disappears completely in spring. There is no real leaf litter as with Poncirus.
I've had one fruit on Yuzmelo (Zdenek) that wasn't fully ripe and tasted distinctly of Poncirus hybrids, not good in my eyes, perhaps they are different when they are fully ripe.
These were my notes, (but it wasn`t fully ripe):
Initially, immediately after cutting, the taste is typical of Poncirushybrids, a coniferous aroma can be clearly tasted, but no bitterness. The fruit is simply sour with secondary aromas.
After half a day it only tastes sour and like unripe grapefruit.
Definitely not a fruit for eating raw.
Staruzu was a fruit that I found quite similar to a lemon, with a pleasant lemon scent, but no secondary aromas, not even resin, just a slight bitterness that didn't bother me. My children simply called it a lemon.
Staruzu , top center