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Topics - Filozophr

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I ordered seeds from overseas without a permit, and they got confiscated last year. It’s been on my mind recently and I’m wondering if because of that, I’m on some sort of list? What do you guys think? I do plan on getting my permit eventually but I don’t plan on buying any seeds overseas for a while, just not interested in anything right now

It’s quickly starting to decline as it needs more and more water each day in such a small pot, it had a huge growth spurt in the last 3 months, and I have a 15gal pot to put it in, but I’m wondering if I’m wasting my soil and space on this seedling. Are Lisa seedlings worth growing out. Is it true they’ll really produce a “bad” fruit. Mind you I’ve never even had an atemoya or cherimoya, and I probably at a squamosa when I was a little kid. I have a huge thriving Rollinia, a painters Rollinia, an ilama, and a sugar apple all in 5-6 gal pots that are 3-4 foot tall. Expectedly the ilama is doing the worst but I think that’s on me for ignoring my plants and not uppotting them. The Rollinia and sugar apple are very mature looking so I’m gonna uppot them, not sure what to do with the ilama. I want to take care of these, but I fear I’m wasting my time. The ilama has the burnt leaves. Not from nitrogen but from the harsh sun and not realizing the sprinklers didn’t catch it hidden away

I keep seeing many ilama seeds with various names referring to different foods and flavors. Can you guys give me a good rundown on ilama taste based on its flesh and skin color, if it even matters? I get people saying raspberry, candy, cotton candy; I've even seen someone name one as vanilla. Help, I have to decide what I'm going to grow. I don't want one because it's rare and does not taste good when it fruits in a few years. Give me as many descriptions as you want, please. I also plan on growing it in pots; hopefully, if the oldest one I currently have fruits and my parents like, I can put it in the ground, although even that is risky.

Tropical Fruit Discussion / Psidium germination tips
« on: April 26, 2023, 02:49:15 PM »
I've collected psidium species in the past four months, and not one has sprouted.

I have had them in moist peat moss in the warm Fl sun for about 1-2 months; the seeds are still hard, not rotten. Should I soak them in ga3 for a day?

Tropical Fruit Discussion / Best tasting Plinia?
« on: March 23, 2023, 12:06:18 PM »
Looking to start a collection of them soon but due to seed-to-fruit time being so long on this genus id rather wait a long while for the best tasting ones instead of random varieties.

Let me know

Right now I’m focusing on psidiums

Tropical Fruit Buy, Sell & Trade / WTB Ilama seeds
« on: March 09, 2023, 06:58:30 PM »
Anyone have some for sale?

Tropical Fruit Buy, Sell & Trade / LF a grafted Abiu
« on: February 08, 2023, 11:43:13 PM »
anyone know where I could get a small grafted tree, preferably shipped?

Tropical Fruit Discussion / Thoughts on 9waters?
« on: January 10, 2023, 03:23:11 PM »
Would you say their prices are good? Reasonable? Great? Seedlings healthy etc?

Similar to the Asunta line, is anyone working on their range of hybrids or breeding line for special traits such as the sweetest fruit, fastest-growing, (I forgot the term but) a plant that flowers early or heavily, etc.
My first hybrid to start my breeding line is Monocanthus x Undatus

If you do breed df, what tips do you have? What genetics to get into my line next? what genetics to leave out? These were just some questions I thought of just now.

Sold out before I found out the site was back up, anyone have any for sale? Seeds or seedling

Tropical Fruit Buy, Sell & Trade / WTB Annona Black
« on: September 19, 2022, 03:03:42 PM »
Knowing my luck fruitsy farms would be back up and of course, I missed out on the things I wanted to get while in stock.

Does anyone have seeds for this Annona?

At what age do they usually flower?

I don’t want any leaves or anything to end up making their dogs sick, considering all parts of theobroma affect them

Tropical Fruit Discussion / ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀
« on: September 03, 2022, 04:13:42 AM »

Tropical Fruit Buy, Sell & Trade / LF eugenia klotzschiana
« on: August 28, 2022, 10:51:16 PM »
Where can I get eugenia klotzschiana seeds or seedlings?

Tropical Fruit Discussion / What's your favorite fruiting shrub?
« on: August 25, 2022, 12:06:21 AM »
Broadening my search for “fruit trees” that grow well in pots, I’m looking for uncommon/ rare fruiting shrubs, so far the only fruiting shrub (or tree that can be grown as a shrub) I have is Psidium myrtoides(supposedly sweet)

Blood orange, orange, mandarin and lemon. I grew out seedlings for these in hopes of one day grafting branches of them to another mature (what seems to be a seedling) citrus that I have in ground at home. The fruit it makes taste like soap, so instead of cutting it down and wasting rootstock I was thinking I could graft to, then I found ought citrus grafting is “hard” so I’m not sure what to do now other than discard all my seedlings, chop the tree down and buy grafted trees.

I plan to keep it in a pot, but becuase it takes so many years (which I can’t remember) to bear fruit, I’ve been neglecting it and keeping it in a small pot. I want a jaboticaba but I’m not sure which are the best tasting, fastest fruiting, and grow well in pots

Tropical Fruit Discussion / Atemoya pollinated by rollina?
« on: August 18, 2022, 10:54:19 AM »
Has anyone ever heard of this cross taking place?


Sorry if this shouldn’t be discussed here, I won’t name anyone, I don’t want to start any problems. To break this down in the simplest way possible, Bought a plant from a seller here, seller ships plant with bamboo stick in pot, bamboo stick literally churns up the root system of the plant in shipping, plant dies 7 days later, before plant died asked seller for advice to save it, followed sellers advice, plant obviously still died. Seller insist I send him the plant back to get my refund, I say sure, but it’s dead already. He asked if I used fertilizer (why would I use fertilizer on a rare tree seedling?) I say no, I did nothing to the plant. He says he’s gonna “test the soil”.

 He sends me instructions to get a return slip. No return slip link on my PayPal activity page for the money I sent. Decided to dispute with PayPal. I tell him I did. He sends me my money back, ask me to never buy from his store again, then blocks me, after that he unblocks to tell me I killed the tree then blamed it on the bamboo stake, and then insists that I added fertilizer to the pot and killed the plant (which I didn’t) ( and who’s stopping him from adding fertilizer to the pot when I ship him the plant and he just, you know, lies about it? It’s a lose lose for me)

I had firmly agreed to return the plant, yet he states I didn’t want to return the plant, (which explains why I supposedly added fertilizer to a tiny pot with a tiny rare SEEDLING that is extremely sensitive for god knows what reason?)

Funny enough, he tells me good luck etc etc and if I had a problem on the first day I should said something instead of a week later. It’s funny considering I did say something and he left me on read FOUR WHOLE DAYS.

Now tell me, based on what you’ve read. Am I just some bad person, or did I have valid reasons for wanting my refund? I have visual proof, and screenshots of every step of our conversations. Every single message, the dates, everything. I’ve learned to keep track of stuff like that from sellers who’d act like certain things weren’t said etc.

I don’t want any bad blood from anyone, I got a damaged product, I got my money back. There no issue. What I don’t want is a tarnished reputation and ending up being blacklisted by other sellers because I’m the guy who “kills his trees and blamed the seller” I’d rather not have that. Thank you for reading.

Tropical Fruit Discussion / Creating a canopies for my trees
« on: July 10, 2022, 08:37:49 PM »
I’ve been experimenting pruning leaves off my annonas to for them to spring back and create new branch leads, what do you guys think about these 3? I’m not sure what canopies are the best for each annona, or any plant

Ilama, Lisa seedling and sugar apple(squamosa)

I’m making a list of all the plants I want to grow in pots, and it’s looking hefty. I realize it’s mostly just trees, so I’d like a list of good shrub fruits that are just haves in Florida

This is the list so far of plants I want but haven’t acquired yet


Annona Neosalicifolia

Duguetia stenatha

Manilkara Bella

Duguetia sp maranjo yellow

Annona monticola

Annona deceptrix

Duguetia lanceolata

Annona ubatubenensis

Annona warmigiana

Annona dolapretela

Annona sylvatica

Annona Crassiflora

Lemon drop mangosteen


Jamaican strawberry tree

Miracle fruit

Solanum pachyandrum

Peanut butter fruit

Blackberry jam fruit

Ice cream bean



Eugenia parrisii


Honey dew melon




Strawberry guava

Lemon guava

Psidium sp longipetiolatum

Psidium sartoranum

If not, I hope it’s an annona, I had Cornifolia seeds mixed up in potting mix for a few of these because I thought the seeds died, or maybe it’s another psidium that just germinated, who knows. Gonna wait it out and see

Looking for annona salzmanii seedlings or seeds please

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