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Messages - afriadoni

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ah hello satha....

i just find my way back from Ranger 1 after sucked into blackhole ... lol

Woooo. Don,t shout. You may be taken to NASA. I do not know whether you were detained there for such a long time.

Anyway welcome

ty :) :)

ah hello satha....

i just find my way back from Ranger 1 after sucked into blackhole ... lol

hello everyone :)
just wanna say "hey"

its been a while since 2017
i'm not selling seeds or scions anymore because some restrictions :( but i will help you find the sources and information about any plants from indonesia  :D
please feel free to email me  : or instagram : doni_panegan


Tropical Fruit Discussion / Re: Introduce Yourself
« on: August 06, 2022, 11:26:48 AM »
Hello everyone....
my name is doni .
just wanna say 'hey' to my old friends ...
i was selling some seeds and scions (last time on 2017)


#please send me a msg if you know me, just miss u guys

hi, do you know about moonballs grape from de doorns?

Tropical Fruit Buy, Sell & Trade / Re: wtb: Crystal Seedless Gauva
« on: December 12, 2015, 11:15:01 PM »
Jambu crystal is not always seedless . Its just almost seedless :)
but of course it was better that regular jambu that has hundreds seeds on it :D

Finally ..
i sent my first legal packet .. :)
its been 5 months since my customer order it . :(

no wonder if there is almost no nursery from made export license .
my customer has complain about it and he put me a  case on paypal and take my $  . Even i gave him tracking number and the photos of it . I hope he can change his mind .

Make export license from indonesia was a really hard and tired job :(

And sorry for my friends whom sent me PM for being slow reponse from me ..


Thats why i always suggest to using EMS

Hi ... beni has it


1,2 $ each


Tropical Fruit Buy, Sell & Trade / FRESH Seeds of MIRACLE fruit
« on: August 01, 2015, 12:37:49 PM »

0,5 $ each .

Please PM me for the details


I watched tv last month , they came into a house with police officer . I dont know why indonesian customs so paranoid about it.
It might be something terrible happen on our agricultural sector in the past , or something else ...

The custom call me mike . That is the problem . They warn me this time but not for the second  :(

Well cultivated plant or hybrid plant will taste better i think . Nangkadak for example . Its just my opinion anyway

They just warn me for this time rek ..  ;D

Helo fajar , its hard to compare both of them since they are not same species . I have both of them . Jambu madu deli more sweet i think . But jambu jamaika have more complex taste . A little bit sour with sweet taste.

Untuk paket ke brazil dan amerika tengah hendaknya rekan rekan mesti agak waspada karena pihak karantina mereka bukan hanya menyita tapi juga mengembalikan paket dengan tanda barang terlarang .
Ancamannya 1 tahun penjaravdan denda 150 jt . Biasanya cm warning kalo pertama. Kalo kedua gak tau deh .
jadi kalo untuk order wholesale sy sarankan teman teman untuk mengurus izin izin resmi tsb .

I'm looking for fig cuttings my friend

halo Om Doni, apakah perlu membuat BPSB dan BPMD? saya ke balai karantina katanya cuma buat surat dari menteri, lalu bawa benih ke balai karantina, balai karantina mengeceknya, kalau bersih benihnya keluar dah phytonya. apakah berbeda propinsi beda-beda yah peraturannya? jadi bingung bung Doni.
halo om fajar , bpsb itu balai pengawasan dan sertifikasi benih dan bpmd itu badan penanaman modal daerah .
untuk tahapan dan alurnya silahkan jenengan liat di post sy diatas .

orang atau nursery yg tidak bermasalah dalam membuat izin ekspor dan impor biasanya yg punya sertifikat pembenih dan surat tanda produsen benih yg di keluarkan oleh BPSB dan BPMD .

biasanya disurvei gitu . Jadi ya kita harus ada pohon indukan dsb.
kalo buah hutan sy rasa sulit karena ada tambahan izin dari kementrian kehutanan.

tolong koreksi kalo sy salah .

Mungkin aja gitu mas, soalnya BPSB kan skrg di bawah provinsi jadi harus buat bertahap dengan jalur seperti sy sebut diatas .
Oiya , kalo tanaman hutan lebih ribet lagi karena harus aa tembusan dari dinas kehutanan .

Hi gems , i usually trade my seeds and scions with fig cuttings , so i'm not sell my fig just collect them buddy :)

Maaf om beni , phyto dan izin ekspor keluar tiap 1 packet yg kita ekspor , klo skrg sy gk punya lha wong blum ngirim krn lebaran.
oiya izin ekspor itu berlaku 6 bulan .
Klo saran sy sih om harus buat sertifikat kompetensi pembenih di badan pengawasan sertifikasi benih .lalu buat surat tanda produsen benih di BPSB dan BPMD provinsi .
agak ribet emang makanya klo bukan langganan atau bkn temen baik males buatnya ..

Hi, where is your location ?

You dont have to go to jakarta buddy . Ada yg online koq . Tapi kalo gak punya tanda daftar produsen benih pasti ditolak..

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