Hello everyone!
I have an indoor lemon tree that I planted from a seed ~3 years ago. Due to the climate that I live in, I keep it indoors for the colder months (October-April) and outdoors when it gets warmer and sunnier.
This year I put it on the balcony about two weeks ago. Today I have realized, that the side of the tree that's facing the sun is wilting. But it only happens to the leaves that are directly exposed to the sunlight. They look like they're covered by some silver gloss, and underneath it they are dry and turning yellow.
Here is a photo of two leaves: the one on the left was covered by other leaves and it's not wilting. The one on the right was partially covered and you can see the weird silver gloss:

And here's a photo of the upper part of the tree that is exposed to direct sunlight:

Does anyone know what's going on here? Last year when I put the tree on the balcony it was doing great.
Any advice on what I should do now?