martweb, sheaper, I take it back, my comments of the Indo Mandarinquat was wrong. I have been corrected on the taste tonight. I went to our CRFG meeting and on our fruit table, one of our members who volunteers for the UCR research field brought in a lot of different citrus for us to munch on after the meeting. There was the Indo Mandarin on the first container so I went for it right away, it sure surprised me how good it tasted. It is much sweeter and better tasting than the variegated Calamodin I show above.
The taste of Indio mandarinquat was very good, everyone at the meeting (over 75 people attended) said it was very good and like it a lot. Sheaper, I can see how your fruit won Best in Show.
The next container had the Cara Cara orange, which was the best tasting on the table tonight, but I still liked the Indio mandarinquat since you can eat the skin and the fruit is much larger than the Fukushu kumquat I ate last week.
Now, I will need to buy some budwood from UCR this month and graft some on my trees so I can taste the fruit again in a few years. I ate 3 fruits tonight and they were all the same, very good tasting. I even brought home one fruit so I'll take a photo and a brix reading and will post it hear later.