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Chickasaw plum seeds available

(1/3) > >>

Bunches of chickasaw plum seeds available. Makes a great rootstock for many prunus species. Very prolific fruiters on their own right. Fruit is pretty good. Some come out more tart than others but are generally good enough to eat out of hand. 5 seeds for $3 plus applicable shipping.

Thanks! DG

I am interested in receiving the chickasaw seeds. Please PM.

My yard guy mistakenly mowed down my chickasaw plum. I'll take some seeds. PM me the details. :)

Sorry not sure if I ever replied to your posts. Just now saw them.  Anyways I just cleaned a fresh batch of seeds. Hit me up if interested.

I also have nice potted plums available too but they are local pickup only. I can ship small ones bare root when they are in dormancy during winter. They likely wouldnt survive being dug up while in active growth. At some point if I have small potted seedlings I'd be able to ship those at any time.

Seeds have been stratified now and are ready to sprout. Many are already sprouting. Hit me up!


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