Nice haul!
Hey, question about seedling mangos. I just ate one of my Mahas and thought about trying to get the seed to germinate. But before I do would the tree from it produce fruit, and will it even survive? Should I just stick it in a pot of soil or is there some prep that needs to be done?
Maha is mono so the fruit could be anything.
My friend has an old tree in his yard that is his favorite mango.
He planted a seed from the tree 5+ years ago and this year it fruited. His favorite mango
is a smaller pretty much round fruit. The seedling has fruit that looks like
NDM. He harvested his first fruit and its super fibrous. What a disappointment after 5 years?
If you decide to plant the seed I would put it direct in the ground. This year for fun I planted
a sweet tart seed direct in the ground. It is poly and should grow true. I planted in a spot that
is along a fence line and I don't plan to water or do anything to it. If it makes it, it makes it.
It should grow faster and develop it's root system better than being stuck in a pot