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cook with taro?
In tropical areas where taro grows easily and potatoes maybe not so much, I totally agree taro would be better. Paying 5x the cost for taro in the US is a bit silly to me given how similar they are. But having options is something I really shouldn't complain about, I'm glad there is a market for it
You are right on with your cost analysis. When I am buying, I buy potatoes. I have grown potatoes, but mostly I grow taro. It loves the Florida heat/humidity and does not mind that my yard is flooded frequently durring the summer.
Here's a pretty simple taro pudding recipe, I think it's pretty good. https://www.cambodiarecipe.com/recipe/taro-root-pudding/
Taro is more filling than potatoes, as a vegetarian it is a very satisfying meal roasted with oil.
Quite a few people used to grow the Colocasi or Cypriot Taro around here, small offset tuber type, but haven't seen it for years in this grape and citrus area.
Old people have passed.
Also we have quite a few Pacific Islanders here now, so big tubers are available in shops.
When I was in Cairns, used to buy the PNG types from ladies at the market, Purple leaved black Taro's were nice to eat.
Also there are specific leaf types, with more edible leaves.
--- Quote from: pagnr on April 30, 2022, 09:26:59 PM ---Taro is more filling than potatoes, as a vegetarian it is a very satisfying meal roasted with oil.
Quite a few people used to grow the Colocasi or Cypriot Taro around here, small offset tuber type, but haven't seen it for years in this grape and citrus area.
Old people have passed.
Also we have quite a few Pacific Islanders here now, so big tubers are available in shops.
When I was in Cairns, used to buy the PNG types from ladies at the market, Purple leaved black Taro's were nice to eat.
Also there are specific leaf types, with more edible leaves.
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Is there any variety in particular that you recommend for leaves?
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