Tropical Fruit > Tropical Fruit Discussion

Frederick passion fruit dropping while nearly completely green. Is this normal?

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As the title says, my frederick passion fruits are dropping with just a faint amount of purple visible on the fruit surface. I suspect I was misguided in thinking they'd be completely purple, and they seem to continue to transition towards purple after falling. Is this normal? We get a lot of afternoon wind, so it's possible they're being knocked off early. I believe the plant is receiving plenty of water and fertilizer.

^These dropped a 1-2 days ago. In this state, they are slightly sweeter than the day before, but still don't taste quite ripe.

^This one dropped today. I ate one in this state and it was quite sour/dry (tannin kind of dry, there was plenty of liquid).


--- Quote from: frostyT on August 07, 2024, 11:54:25 PM ---As the title says, my frederick passion fruits are dropping with just a faint amount of purple visible on the fruit surface. I suspect I was misguided in thinking they'd be completely purple, and they seem to continue to transition towards purple after falling. Is this normal? We get a lot of afternoon wind, so it's possible they're being knocked off early. I believe the plant is receiving plenty of water and fertilizer.

^These dropped a 1-2 days ago. In this state, they are slightly sweeter than the day before, but still don't taste quite ripe.

^This one dropped today. I ate one in this state and it was quite sour/dry (tannin kind of dry, there was plenty of liquid).

--- End quote ---

This is normal. You need to let it ripen on the counter first, once it's slightly wrinkled and purple it's perfect. Enjoy

How long have they been on the vine? If its been long enough, they should be ripe. You can let them wrinkle a bit on the counter

I think it is the heat and age of the vine.


--- Quote ---This is normal. You need to let it ripen on the counter first, once it's slightly wrinkled and purple it's perfect. Enjoy
--- End quote ---

Can do. I was actually just talking to my wife about the fact that they are always wrinkly in the store/produce market. I wasn't sure if this was the preferred state or the byproduct of early picking/forced ripening/long distance shipping/etc.

--- Quote from: vnomonee on August 07, 2024, 11:59:45 PM ---How long have they been on the vine? If its been long enough, they should be ripe. You can let them wrinkle a bit on the counter

--- End quote ---

I neglected to mark the exact time of flowering/pollination, but I did some math and they seem to have been on the vine for the correct amount of time (assuming the internet has given me a good estimate for comparison).

--- Quote from: seng on August 08, 2024, 01:31:37 PM ---I think it is the heat and age of the vine.

--- End quote ---

The vine is definitely young, though it's gone from a scraggly 4x1ft to a bushy 8x8ft this year, so not too small now. It's also been hot recently, but the vine is in the single spot in my yard which gets sun between sunrise and ~1-2pm, so it's got some reprieve during the hottest part of the day.

All in all, it sounds like there isn't much to worry about here. I've started marking the "drop dates" of each passion fruit so the wife and I can experiment with different durations of tabletop ripening.

Thanks everyone!


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