Tropical Fruit > Tropical Fruit Discussion
Ilama Dropped Leaves
So I germinated this little Ilama (Annona macroprophyllata) earlier in the year. She was doing great, reaching over a foot tall within a few months. After a while, I started noticing the lower leaves yellowing and falling off as the new growth emerged. No worries, as the new growth was far outpacing the yellowing. That was until last month, when the new growth slowed down, started producing small, misshapen leaves, and the leaf drop took over. Within a couple weeks, I was left with just a stick. Last week though, suckers started to emerge from the old callouses of the dropped leaves throughout the entire trunk. I have no idea what happened but it seems to be making a recovery?? Anyone else have this problem?
Roots aren’t liking the state the soil is in. Soil is not drying out quick enough for the roots not to be affected or you are watering too frequently.
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