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Golden Dorsett apple scions

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Have a bunch of Golden Dorsett apple scions available. I'd like to shorten the tree before next spring and would cut scions fresh to order. Won't all be tip cuts. Should be able to do a variety of diameters. Tree grows really good here in the FL panhandle. I originally grafted two scions on a random seedling that popped up in the yard from compost. It fruited at 3 years after grafting. First time I'd ever picked apples last year so not sure if they were perfectly ripe or not but they tasted somewhat similar to a pink lady apple. Something probably deer started eating the fruits so I assumed it meant they were ripe. Wanted not to loose a bunch so picked them when that started to happen. Scions $3 each with a minimum of 4 scions plus applicable shipping. Will ship via small flat rate box or general priority mail package if cheaper.

Thanks! DG

DG, is your apple tree still dormant?

It's already waking now. Lots of green buds just starting the leaf out.


--- Quote from: D-Grower on December 21, 2023, 02:38:20 PM ---Have a bunch of Golden Dorsett apple scions available. I'd like to shorten the tree before next spring and would cut scions fresh to order. Won't all be tip cuts. Should be able to do a variety of diameters. Tree grows really good here in the FL panhandle. I originally grafted two scions on a random seedling that popped up in the yard from compost. It fruited at 3 years after grafting. First time I'd ever picked apples last year so not sure if they were perfectly ripe or not but they tasted somewhat similar to a pink lady apple. Something probably deer started eating the fruits so I assumed it meant they were ripe. Wanted not to loose a bunch so picked them when that started to happen. Scions $3 each with a minimum of 4 scions plus applicable shipping. Will ship via small flat rate box or general priority mail package if cheaper.

Thanks! DG

--- End quote ---

Hi, do you still have any Dorsett Golden apple scions available?

Not at the moment. Tree is fully leafed out and holding fruit right now.


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