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Messages - Zulfikar Arsa

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Tropical Fruit Discussion / Re: Let's talking about guava.
« on: April 06, 2016, 10:41:37 PM »
My Crystal Guava...  ;D

Tropical Fruit Discussion / Re: Let's talking about guava.
« on: April 06, 2016, 10:23:59 PM »
There is a seedless guava Zulfiqar that is supposedly popular in Taiwan and Thailand?
It's pretty bland.

There are introduced by Taiwan Technical Mission cooperate with Bogor Agricultural University at 2010.

Crystal guava is very sweet, bland, few seeds, and crunchy texture

Tropical Fruit Discussion / Re: Let's talking about guava.
« on: April 06, 2016, 10:17:07 PM »
If you ate that yellow guava here in Florida it sounds like the LEMON GUAVA that was (Jeff correct me if I am wrong) Selected in Miami or Homestead.

They are lucious, and have a very citrus like flavor, and scale does not like them... a Big Plus for a guava

I have not been able to locate any guava that it resembles exactly. Lemon Guava was the first thing I looked up, but if you see the photo here as an example, it is lighter, more round, has a more distinct cattley guava-type end, and in the photo the seeds are arranged into sections, and look larger than the seeds of my guava. Also, the one I ate did not have a very citrusy flavor... it was more like sweet passionfruit maybe. Hard to describe. The ones I had were about 2.5 inches long, which are a bit larger than I think Lemon Guava are supposed to be. The person I bought it from was at a farmer's market and said it was from Mexico (so not local).

Here is a photo of a lemon guava from the internet:

And then here is the mystery guava I ate, that so far have no sprouted seedlings from [note that it is a more golden color, oblong shape, minimal brown tips, very small seeds arranged as a circle within a circle, and the flesh much creamier-looking than the above photo of the lemon guava - you can't tell from the photo, but these are about 2.5 inches long]:

If you click on the photo it's easier to see it up close.

Sorry, Zulfikar, I don't have any more photos to help you out. But I'm sure that Indonesian guavas are very tasty, and I don't know that you need a Mexican yellow variety to do well. I've never tried a crystal guava, but I've read that they are very good, sweet and with few seeds. Although I loved the flavor of the yellow guava I tried, clearly it had a lot of small hard seeds, and that was a bit of a drawback - although apparently you can eat guava seeds and they have medicinal benefits if you don't eat too many (and if you do not have an intestinal condition that could cause them to get stuck in the intestinal lining and cause infection!). I ate a few, but by and large I saved them and planted them in my yard.

Thanks for your explanation...

that's give me more knowledge.
Hopefully i can go to florida and visit your field. MAybe i can more knowledge if i visit your field..
Yes, in Indonesia Crystal Guava more favourite cause that's have few seeds. Indonesia people not like eat guava's seed. So crystal guava is very favourite.

Tropical Fruit Discussion / Re: Let's talking about guava.
« on: April 06, 2016, 10:08:07 PM »
Since we are talking guava  i am looking for a variety that is sweet but minimaly musky.  I just can't handle the cat pee smell some have.

Yes, but i think the smell of guava depend on that charachter....

Tropical Fruit Discussion / Re: Let's talking about guava.
« on: April 06, 2016, 10:01:01 PM »
If you ate that yellow guava here in Florida it sounds like the LEMON GUAVA that was (Jeff correct me if I am wrong) Selected in Miami or Homestead.

They are lucious, and have a very citrus like flavor, and scale does not like them... a Big Plus for a guava

Hopefully i can go to Florida and feel the nice Lemon guava.

Is it can cultivated in Indonesia???

Tropical Fruit Discussion / Re: Let's talking about guava.
« on: April 06, 2016, 09:56:03 PM »
If you can get aishwarya guava in Indonesia

i never heard aishwarya guava..
can you give the pict please?

Nice pic...

Do you cultivate that?

Tropical Fruit Discussion / Re: Let's talking about guava.
« on: April 06, 2016, 09:53:10 PM »

Thank you very much...
I think that's very nice.

Has aishwarya planted in any place?

From your article that's plant in India right?

Tropical Fruit Discussion / Re: Let's talking about guava.
« on: April 04, 2016, 08:57:31 PM »
If you can get aishwarya guava in Indonesia

i never heard aishwarya guava..
can you give the pict please?

Tropical Fruit Discussion / Re: Let's talking about guava.
« on: April 04, 2016, 08:53:20 PM »

I'm not a guava farmer, but I have tried pink, white and yellow guavas. My favorite so far was a small yellow variety that looked like a small lemon, with edible skin and a pale yellow interior. The taste was very exotic and tropical and the smell made me almost faint it was so good! I have not been able to identify the variety yet, but the closest I can tell it is might be a Mexican cultivar. I planted the seeds but have not gotten any sprouts yet.

I'm curious to see what other people say is their favorite!
Wow, seems amazing...
in Indonesia i never see the yellow flesh guava.
can you give me the pict? please...

Recently, The Indonesian Guava Farmers are planting crystal guava (Taiwan Guava).
Red flesh guava has been leaved.

Tropical Fruit Discussion / Let's talking about guava.
« on: April 02, 2016, 11:38:47 PM »
Hello guys,
I'm Zulfikar from Indonesia and a crystal guava farmer

I need to know,
How kind of guava that you are favourite?

And there are here a guava farmer?
Lets make a best network


Hope it helps  :)

Amazing. .
Thank you very much Lee...
I am helped  by your information.
If you have some information about fresh cut product, please share to me again...

Thank you....

When you say, "fresh cut fruit" are you talking about keeping harvested fruit fresh for shipping, or are you asking about preserving fruit for long periods of time?

It is also important to know which fruit.    there are many ways to preserve fruit,  from dehydrating, and pickling, to freezing,  as for shipping,  refrigeration, comes to mind.  but all this depends on which fruit.

Thak you ...
Are you have refference about fresh cut fruit? Such as, journal or magazine that discuss about cut fruit?

When you say, "fresh cut fruit" are you talking about keeping harvested fruit fresh for shipping, or are you asking about preserving fruit for long periods of time?

It is also important to know which fruit.    there are many ways to preserve fruit,  from dehydrating, and pickling, to freezing,  as for shipping,  refrigeration, comes to mind.  but all this depends on which fruit.

Thank you Mike.
I have plan for making fresh cut fruit from Pineaple, Guava, Papaya, and Melon.
How about microbes??
When i keep 6 hour from cutting process, my product attacked by microbes.

Hello guys...

I am zulfikar, i am a farmer from Indonesia.

I will create new product from fruit such as fresh cut fruit.
May i give question to you?
I need information for make my fresh cut fruit still fresh??

Thank you very much

Best regards
Zulfikar Arsa

how old are the trees?
they may need to be fertilized.

Sorry late reply,
2 years old..
I am always give 100grams KCL, and 100 gram NPK per month....

Hello guys,
I need your help.
I have 800 pearl guava plant. But, when i harvesting that,  the fruit looks so tiny ( average 200 gram/fruit). How to ake big size guava??

Best regards

Indonesian Farmer

Hello Guys,

I need your help for soling my trouble.

I from Indonesia, in my site the rainfall is to high level. So, my fruit is not sweet.
How to make the brix level of my fruit high again??

Thanks all..

Best regards

Tropical Fruit Discussion / Re: Need Info about Taiwanese guava...
« on: November 09, 2015, 02:40:57 AM »
To increase Brix levels, make sure the tree is fully mature before allowing it to hold fruit. Also make sure your tree gets maximum sun exposure and don't overwater your tree. In the agriculture industry, they will do plant and soil analysis so that they know what nutrients or elements are required by the tree.

As a backyard orchard grower, you can follow my above recommendations and also thin about half of the set fruit off your tree so that your tree can concentrate its resources on fewer high quality fruit. If you are not currently fertilizing your tree, you can add some Potassium, Calcium, minute amounts of Boron but it gets very detailed so it may be easier to feed about once a month with an organic fruit tree fertilizer. I've found organic fertilizers are more forgiving and easier to use for newbies. I also use Azomite to replenish my soils.


Thanks very much Adam,
I always fertilizing my Guava wih KCL every 2 week. And some time i give boron.
You know, what is the function Boron for Fruit quality??

Tropical Fruit Discussion / Re: Need Info about Taiwanese guava...
« on: November 09, 2015, 02:38:30 AM »
Pearl and Crystal  are two Taiwan varieties introduced by their agriculture extension  program here in the D.R.    they have been well received by consumers.  I would go as far and say they have taken the guava market, rarely do i see the older smaller ones in markets.  ( strawberry types ).

Thanks guys,
yes, in my country Taiwan introduce two variety of guava that crystal and pearl.
In my country teh Crystal is more favourite. How about your country?

Tropical Fruit Discussion / Re: New Sunrise And Venus Mango Mama Mia !
« on: November 02, 2015, 04:50:09 AM »
Hello, I am from Indonesia and i never try That mango.

In my country the best mango is Gedong gincu mango. That mango have orange flesh, sweet, green yellow skin.

Tropical Fruit Discussion / Re: The Amazing Dragon Fruit House
« on: November 02, 2015, 04:23:44 AM »
Wow, amazing Dragon fruit...

I am from Indonesia, i never see like that in here...

Tropical Fruit Discussion / Re: Need Info about Taiwanese guava...
« on: November 02, 2015, 04:20:23 AM »
Thanks for info my friend..

I think that my guava is Pearl guava, because the characteristic same with Pearl guava.

I have 700 tree,
December my guava will harvest...

Tropical Fruit Discussion / Re: Need Info about Taiwanese guava...
« on: October 26, 2015, 06:27:54 AM »
I growing one taiwanese guava, but i dont know what the name. My guava have crispy texture in that seed. Not seedless. Sweet and big size.

Tropical Fruit Discussion / Need Info about Taiwanese guava...
« on: October 25, 2015, 06:33:53 AM »
Hello guys, you know type of taiwanese guava??

How we can increasing brix level for guava?

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