Today I did an impromptu immature fruit taste test of a number of the Conestoga and Poncirus Plus selections. The worst flavored one at this stage of development was Conestoga 006 possibly as bad as Poncirus itself. Conestoga 011 and Poncirus Plus were intermediate in taste. The best were Conestoga 010 and Conestoga 026. 010 had discernable Citrus flavor and little bitterness. 026 was similar, but perhaps less citrus taste in the rind.
All of these fruits were set from June-bloom and not mature. When the fruits are fully mature, I plan on using the fruits in a beverage and reevaluate their suitability for use in beverages.
I have minimal 026 seedlings due to early ripening last October and finding the fruits mixed with others, thereby losing their identity.
In regards to 010, however, there are several hundred field planted nucellar seedlings.
June Bloom 006
April bloom 026
April bloom 010