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Messages - Malhar

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Tropical Fruit Discussion / Re: Air layering Guava
« on: October 28, 2024, 04:11:47 PM »
I had about 80% success rate with Clonex and peat moss but they do take about 4-6 months to root.

2nd the recommendation for Squirrelinator. It's a bit on the expensive side but its worked really well for me with minimal effort

58$ on Amazon now.  Seems cheaper than when I got them.

Got a link for the $58? I can only find them at $73

Do you use the basin to drown them or?

I have never drowned them but that is what some of the amazon comments suggested.

Squirrelinator works really well. Would recommend buying it with the basin.  Basin helps with their transport or if you want to give them a swim lesson!

Has anyone try to grow / taste Golden Lady?  I believe only Wong farm near palm desert sells this variety?

I know this is a much older post, but Wong farms recently brought some Golden Lady mangos to a farmers market near me and I was extremely impressed. I noted lychee, white grape, honey in my tasting observations.

I haven't found much info about securing a tree or budwood from the farm themselves, but there is a nearby nursery in Riverside by the name of "Utopia Trees" that sell the variety on a manilla rootstock. Apparently, the variety is very cold hardy and does well in Southern California, which makes sense considering the original farm is located in Mecca, CA.

I am looking to add it to my collection, but scions are few and far between since it came out around 2020 and is only coming from this one farm. I think it has a lot of potential to become a California staple.

Are you certain that mango trees sold by "Utopia Trees" are grafted on Manila? When I asked them, they stated that trees are from Florida and grafted on Turpentine.

What root stock are they on?

Tropical Fruit Buy, Sell & Trade / Re: seeds
« on: July 13, 2024, 04:56:48 PM »
add sweet tart mango seed

3 for $17 including shipping
8 for $30.40 including shipping

Thank you Mike for shipping promptly and extra seeds.

Tropical Fruit Discussion / Re: Question about Mexican Pearl Guava
« on: July 11, 2024, 01:32:54 PM »
Haven't heard about the Mexican Pearl Guava. Is it different than the Taiwanese Pearl guava? 

If someone does send to you, buy more than you are expecting on growing because the germination with these can be hit or miss

Sounds good, will try to get as many as possible!

Please PM if you have some to sell.

Just a follow up from my post above. Irene offered me to send more mangoes for free even though it was no fault of hers. Thank you Irene.

Finally received my mangoes. They were promptly shipped by seller and were supposed to be delivered on Wednesday but USPS delayed delivery till today (Saturday). Box was beat up and ripped.  USPS tried to tape it up and placed in the plastic bag. Upon opening few mangoes were squished, others were OK but a little over ripe due to delayed delivery. All mangoes were individually wrapped and labelled. Seller tried to put as many mangoes as she could. Thank you seller.

Tropical Fruit Buy, Sell & Trade / Re: WTB Maha Chanok seeds
« on: June 18, 2024, 03:46:44 PM »

Tropical Fruit Buy, Sell & Trade / WTB Maha Chanok seeds
« on: June 10, 2024, 08:04:25 PM »
Please PM if you have some to sell.

Also looking for sweet tart and sea crest seeds as well but probably it is too early for them to be available.

I was at the Nina's Indian & British Groceries in Lake Forest and noticed that they had Pakistani mangoes - Chaunsa, Sndhri, and Anwar Ratool mangoes available for $40 per box

I got a box of Sindhri

Scions received and grafted.  Thank you Kaz, for excellent scions as well as extras.

BTW, what is the blue tape you used to tie some of the scions?  It seems to be strong but still stretchy and may be good to tie around graft union.

Guava King issues aside, Allahabadi guava can be either white (Safeda) or red (surkha). Red seems to be less common.

Here is mine. I have a few other gauvas and like them better. Given limited space in my backyard, I am planning to get rid of it. 

I have been growing a Ruby Supreme tree for last few years. I have tried it fruit in different stages and even when completely ripe, flavor is mild at best. I am thinking of getting rid of it.

Tropical Fruit Discussion / Re: Ruby vs. Ruby Supreme Guave
« on: April 25, 2024, 10:18:21 AM »
I have been growing a Ruby Supreme tree for last few years. I have tried it fruit in different stages and even when completely ripe, flavor is mild at best. I am thinking of getting rid of it.

Have 100s of cherimoya seeds sprouting mostly pierce, booth and dr.white
Let me know if anyone needs them…

Curious as to what method are you using to sprout them?


Did not see your message earlier. I was there earlier and would have loved to meet you!

Tropical Fruit Discussion / Re: Slugs
« on: April 16, 2024, 08:09:19 PM »
If you are not opposed to chemical control, Hi-Yield Improved Slug & Snail Bait works well. It contains Metaldehyde.

When fully ripe, it becomes yellow, soft and aromatic. It is sweeter than white Asian guavas but not very sweet.

Is pakistan guava same as arabian guava?

They are different.  Variety I have is called Pakistan Larkana variety.  It becomes yellow and soft when ripe.  Here is how it looks:

Kaz is correct that mentioned Asian guavas are not very sweet. They are mildly sweet and crunchy. I have had crystal and pearl guavas. Crystal was a tad bit sweeter than Taiwan century but slow to grow and died on me.  I still have pearl guava but like Taiwan century better. I have grafted Pakistani yellow guava and Ahmedabadi guava to Taiwan Century

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