Tropical Fruit > Tropical Fruit Discussion

At the end of my pole...Picking Lula Avocados in Late January.

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Lula avocado & I believe a bacon were my survivors from various diseases over the years.

I don't really do a proper fertilizing program with them.

The bacon rarely has an avocado. The lula is much more productive & I enjoy the taste. My lula looked smaller than yours picked but the bucket may be much smaller than mine for a reference.

This year I quit eliminating the rats/squirrels after Oct. 1 when mango season finished here; so the animals ate more than I this year and none made it to the end of Dec.

Agree, Lula seems to work for some South Florida avocados in the yard. I just wish my tree would grow faster and I also wish the fruit were larger.


--- Quote from: Galatians522 on January 24, 2023, 09:37:32 PM ---Congrats! You just picked close to $50 worth of avocados in January!

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Easily, and much better than the Mexican avocados found in the supermarket!


--- Quote from: palmcity on January 24, 2023, 11:11:57 PM ---This year I quit eliminating the rats/squirrels after Oct. 1 when mango season finished here; so the animals ate more than I this year and none made it to the end of Dec.
Agree, Lula seems to work for some South Florida avocados in the yard. I just wish my tree would grow faster and I also wish the fruit were larger.

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Almost all of the fruit had squirrel damage.  And you're right about the size.  My neighbor has a tree, a seedling of Lula it seems, which has fruit double the size of Lula and of equal eating quality.  The only problem with the tree is that it's growing straight up like an avocado skyscraper!  We're going to try grafting it on to Monroe and see what happens, whether that will control the growth characteristics.  But the squirrels love that avocado, too.  We need to cut the squirrel population in half around here.  >:(

Review of late-season Lula avocado:
Dense flesh.  Somewhat creamy, better than earlier in the season, but still a little watery at the stem end.  The flavor is sweet and mild--a very light cashew flavor.  Would I say it has more flavor than Monroe or Choquette?  Not really.  The seed is large.  Is it as richly flavored as a California avocado (such as Hass or Fuerte)?  Not by a mile.

I'd still like to taste the Kampong avocado that everyone raves about.  Also, Lara's Improved Pollock and Lolo out of Puerto Rico.


--- Quote from: johnb51 on January 25, 2023, 12:56:18 PM ---We need to cut the squirrel population in half around here.  >:(

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The tree in the first photo in this thread looks like a good candidate for some kind of squirrel prevention on the trunk, since it's standing alone, away from other trees, so if you can stop the squirrels from getting up the trunk they have no other way to get into tree. Maybe paint it with that super sticky stuff the rodents won't walk over? Or wrap in sheet metal for a few feet so they can't get a handhold or jump past it?


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