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BOOK– "AMAZON RIVER FRUITS: Flavors For Conservation" by Nigel Smith

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"Amazon River Fruits"; paperback; Missouri Botanical Gardens Press; pub. 2007.

This book describes a number of interesting fruits found in the western Amazon Basin, various of which are not widely –if at all– in cultivation.  Many useful photos of these fruits are included, a surprising number of which are palms.

But species from a large number of other fruit families are also covered in this volume.

One species that is covered in this book and which may be of interest to others is Rollinia mucosa (syns. R. deliciosa; Annona deliciosa) with a discussion of its habitat and its popularity with the indigenous peoples of the basin as a dooryard fruit tree. The text eplains how the fruits of this species differ depending upon the area of the Basin they are being grown in.  The habitat descriptions for this particular species as covered in this volume will be instrumental for those of us TFF Members who wish to successfully grow this species which is called in Portuguese, 'biribá'.

Those interested in growing the biribá will find it on page 34-35 of this volume.

I have been given to understand that this book may go out-of-print soon so, just a word to the wise.

Paul M.

I’d be interested in the Theobroma Subincanum and Obovatum descriptions/photos from that book. Do you know if those species have any photographs in the book? Book’s a bit expensive for me, and I can’t seem to find it in any libraries. By the preview on Amazon, this book seems great, with amazing photographs of the fruit.


--- Quote from: TomekK on March 21, 2021, 02:40:04 PM ---I’d be interested in the Theobroma Subincanum and Obovatum descriptions/photos from that book. Do you know if those species have any photographs in the book?

--- End quote ---

I looked in my copy and yes, there are photos of them; one or two each with two pages of related text for each.

--- Quote ---Book’s a bit expensive for me, and I can’t seem to find it in any libraries. By the preview on Amazon, this book seems great, with amazing photographs of the fruit.

--- End quote ---

The only place I've seen this book regularly is on Amazon.

One other helpful feature is that the book has an extensive bibliography.


Paul M.


This book is great!

There is some species I haven't seen before.
Images are high quality, even though there's a lot of images of people in this book.

This book gives so much context to each species, really good!


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