I put in mango tree thinking 15ft would be ok since they dont grow that fast here but they are already getting tight.
20ft is probably better for florida.
I planted some mango @ 10 feet. They are not too tight yet and approaching year 5.
But if year 10 comes and I find they are tight I can eliminate every other one, at that point, to have 20 ft spacing.
They are averaging 40 pounds/tree each of fruit which is 40 x $3.50 USD = $140 USD/year/tree.
The trees cost $15 each at wholesale, so selling for two years easily recoups the cost of those trees which may be eliminated.
Selling crop from those trees another 8 years pays for the establishment and irrigation costs for the whole planting.
So, to me, planting close is not a problem so long as you can be pragmatic and willing to sacrifice excess trees.
After all, we usually thin vegetable seedlings, thinning out trees can be considered no differently.