I am happy to share with forum members an opportunity to visit Fairchild Tropical Botanic Garden at the very end of the "toned" down mango celebrations, usual this time of the year.
The traditional mango festival seems to be on a hiatus, and its replacement
"Mango Days of Summer" is the solution FTBG came up with during covid in 2020.
With that said and without taking focus away from the subject at hand, I will be sharing some research I have been working on July 31st, Saturday in the Miami / Coral Gables, Florida area.

I look forward to seeing some of you there.
Event Link:
https://fairchildgarden.org/eventon/miami-mango-memories-haden-edward-kentSATURDAY, JULY 31, 2021 | 2:30 P.M. – 4:30 P.M.
"Join Jorge J. Zaldivar, local historian, and President of the South Florida Palm Society, as he discusses the stories and people behind some of Miami’s vintage mangos. Attendees will be navigated through the instructor’s personal research, including material from Dr. David Fairchild’s personal archive and papers. Come meet ‘Haden’, ‘Edward’, and ‘Kent’."
Come a little early and enjoy the garden at no additional entrance cost. Ticket Rates Members $10 Non-members $10