if yours takes, down the road i'd be interested in exchanging cuttings. i have elaeagnus multiflora, elaeagnus pungens and elaeagnus latifolia. they are drought tolerant but seem to prefer lots of water for maximum growth. the pots are sitting in water. i think that they are all nitrogen fixers so i've been meaning to try sticking cuttings next to garcinias.
multiflora seemed to slow down during winter, unlike pungens and latifolia.
just picked the 1st fruit from the pungens. it was starting to blush red, probably not fully ripe. on the small size, tart, juicy and astringent, but not unbearably so. last year i tasted a latifolia fruit for the 1st time. it was a lot larger, but probably wasn't fully ripe. reminded me of a tart plum. i think it was kinda more astringent than the pungens.
flying fox fruit has a huge latifolia grafted onto a lingaro. i grafted multiflora and pungens last year. both took but not sure which is doing better. it would be great to figure out the best rootstock for most of them.
i have extra plants of all 3 of mine in 5 gallon pots that i was planning to plant in a community garden. but i'd be willing to trade them for something i don't already have. pm if you're interested.