I use a variety of traps. Sometimes they get smart. You need to use more than one trap at a time, in my opinion, at least two of the same and one other type to really increase success.
My strategy is simple:
1. Clean up / smooth over all old gopher mounds so you're starting fresh.
2. Only trap at the newest mounds. Don't waste time and traps on old ones.
3. The mound is NOT the tunnel to trap at, it's just where they put the dirt from the main "highway" tunnel. The main tunnel is about 1' away from the mound, use a probe to find it.
4. Either dig out a hole in the "highway" and place traps in both directions, or put GopherHawks in both directions. Stuff the traps (if using snap traps) in with grass or leaves, whatever is fresh and green or put a paver over the hole.
5. Check traps morning and night.
If you get a gopher that is smarter than average and avoiding your traps, switch out the trap method. I find they mostly get wise to the Victor/Macabee snap traps and know to avoid them, but they'll fall for a gopher hawk put upstream in the tunnels. If they somehow figure that one out, blackhole will get them. Sometimes you just need to be really brutal and deploy like 10+ traps in an area to get the really smart ones. Don't let those breed. They somehow pass on the knowledge, ask me how I know. Second generation was all wise to the traps. Now I only get moron gophers that I get first deployment.
Another tip is to deploy traps along borders. They are just like other rodents and love to go beside concrete, retaining walls, pipes, etc. You can get some really good deployment if you have some logs or pavers in your yard too, roll the log back and you can see a cherry tunnel to put some Victors in, then put the log back carefully.