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Messages - D-Grower

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I just harvested some native Hawthorne fruits from a local tree here in the Florida panhandle. The fruits are yellowish when ripe. Decent sized but not huge maybe about the diameterof a quarter. They are tart and kinda astringent but not horribly so. Sure it would make for a good medicinal variety or rootstock for other better eating types. If you want some seeds hit me up. Not sure of the exact species.

Tropical Fruit Buy, Sell & Trade / Re: Edible Bamboo Search
« on: October 09, 2024, 02:34:20 PM »
i have waya bamboo, dendrocalamus membranaceus. makes large edible shoots. reportedly productive.

Hope you survive the storm that's incoming if you haven't left town. Lots of friends and family are staying unfortunately. I'll be praying for y'all.

Tropical Fruit Buy, Sell & Trade / Re: Edible Bamboo Search
« on: October 07, 2024, 04:46:51 PM »
Might be able to help you out eventually. I have oldhamii and Seabreeze. Both I believe are good edibles.

I bought one of these a few months back. Really nice healthy plants for sure. I up potted it and it's put on considerable growth already. Don't hesitate to buy. The CORGs I bought were very nice too.

Tropical Fruit Discussion / Re: Jabo45 anyone know if he's all good?
« on: September 28, 2024, 05:29:41 PM »
Fortunately hit far enough east that it didn't hurt here much. 16in of rain was all. Flooded a bit but no big deal. Glad you're all good. Unfortunately the area that it made landfall at is fully devastated. They got hit 3 times this year at the same spot. I saw it rolling through there after the first one and it was fairly bad but this time looks much worse. Anyways thought of you when I was thinking of people I know up that way. Figured I'd ask if you were fine.

Tropical Fruit Discussion / Jabo45 anyone know if he's all good?
« on: September 28, 2024, 04:22:26 PM »
I know Ryan is in TN. Anyone know if he's all good with all the storm flooding up that way.

Red Sugarcane cuttings 3 node pieces $5 each plus shipping. Minimum of 2 cuttings. Plenty available at the moment. Hit me up!


Yes legal to grow in most states. However even though it is not federally illegal as a plant all the major platforms like eBay or etsy etc will not allow you to sell them. I used to sell all kinds of psychoactive plants before these platforms started pulling your listings down and threatening to delete your account if you continue posting such items. Unfortunately I lost my trees or I'd help you out.

Tropical Fruit Buy, Sell & Trade / Re: Fresh star fruit seeds
« on: August 25, 2024, 11:07:02 AM »
Bunches of seeds still available. Will offer bulk deals if interested.

Sorry I don't have this species any longer myself. Would be into finding it again too. Seemed very hard to keep alive long term. I have had this species around 10 times over the years and it eventually died every time. Best I ever did was straight perlite for soil but it seemed too picky for most any other soil. Had it going well a little over a year that particular time.

Tropical Fruit Buy, Sell & Trade / Re: Fresh star fruit seeds
« on: August 18, 2024, 09:47:34 AM »
Bump. Tons of seeds available.

Still bunches of seeds available for the plums. Nearing a month into stratification as well. Usually 2-3 months will suffice. They often sprout in the fridge and you can plant as that happens or just give them that stratification time period and plant.

Tropical Fruit Buy, Sell & Trade / Re: Fresh star fruit seeds
« on: August 14, 2024, 08:54:15 PM »
Another round of fresh star fruit seeds available now. 5 seeds for $1. Minimum 25 seeds at $5 plus applicable shipping costs. Hit me up!

Very under developed here still. I'm from Sarasota originally but wanted out of the concrete jungle badly. Wewahitchka has hardly changed in 30 years. Land prices gone up but still relatively affordable. I'm off hwy 386 personally outside the city of Wewahitchka. Much of the counties north of here are still very rural as well.

I'll get back to the message you sent soon. I'm over in Wewahitchka about 3hrs from you. That forum I mentioned is a great place to start looking and if you make an account there saying you came from here I'll reveal who I am there. When I message you back I will tell you where I sourced some of that stuff and people you might be able to connect with to find these species. They are all out there and actually more common than you would think. People right here in the state have insane collections of really awesome stuff. Wish I still did have what I once had. Once I'm more prepared I'll get it all going again.

Check out my shop on Etsy, offgridplantz. Thomas.

Hit me up sometime sounds like we need to talk plants!

What varieties do you have? I used to have 7-8 different types but lost several over time. Once had the whole nine yards collection of actives from Salvia, iboga, erythroxilum, catha, lophophoria, trichocereus, psychotria, mitragyna, diplopterys, to various caapi and related vines. After moving from south florida to the panhandle without the ability to properly protect everything I lost a ton of my collection. Want to regain them again someday. They grew so damn easy down there but up here is a different story. If anyone is into collecting sacred species you should join up at
The place used to be a rocking spot to get everything fairly easily. It had died down significantly in recent years. However many of the senior members are trying to revive the place right now.

The sago palm your asking for are the cycads right? If so I might be able to get you some seeds. Do they have edible qualities?

Is that seeds or a live plant? Couldn't tell from their description.

If you can manage to get your banana plants to fruit early enough in the year up here you can totally get ripe fruit no problem. I generally don't get much but I don't give my plants any special attention. A buddy of mine 40mins more north than myself gets tons of bananas every year. He has 5 racks hanging right now. A few more just about to sprout out too. The ones coming out now might not ripen up properly but the time it gets cold but the ones already developed now will certainly ripen up before the cold comes. He is constantly on top of watering and fertilizing though which I usually never get around to keeping up with. His efforts show fruiting bananas this far north is more than possible. We are really a zone 8b here too. We've gotten mid teen temps 3-4 times in the last 7 years.

I've got a variety called kokopo that has done well here in north florida. Also namwa, sweetheart, ice cream, orinoco, and raja puri. All survive here pretty well with minimal to zero protection in the winter. It gets into the teens here too some years. I would suggest looking into those varieties. Don't have small enough pups at the moment to share for most of them though. Maybe a raja puri. Think it's the true variety. Never gets very tall. Up to 4-5ft or so.

Tropical Fruit Discussion / Re: Pink Pineapple - NON GMO
« on: July 13, 2024, 09:31:11 AM »
Are you gonna make plants of this Pineapple available at some point?

Hello North Florida residents and close by neighbors! I just created a new Facebook plant sellers page/group. Inviting y'all to join! If you aren't somewhat local that is OK to advertise if you are capable of shipping to North Florida and nearby areas. The twist of this plant sellers group is that it's strictly edible, medicinal, and useful plants only. Please see rules for greater details. The page/group is called "North FL Edible, Medicinal, and Useful plants and nursery seller's group". The group was just created last night but is already gaining members steadily. Come over there and join up! It's gonna be the new hub for North Florida plant and nursery sellers and buyers connections group for our region. Shameless advertising, "in search of" posts, giveaways, trades, edible and useful plants informational posts, recipes/harvests/medicinal extraction techs are all welcome so long as it's based in the realm of edibles, medicinal, and useful plants. Help us get this group up and running! Please comment here if you joined from this post so I can get an idea of where the traffic is coming from.

Thanks for your help! DG

Anyone have seedling Japanese raisin trees or seeds available? Also looking for medlar and Hawthorne seeds or seedlings. Really interested in anything fruit, edible, veggie, herbs, etc that are cold hardy at the lower 20s or into the teens. If you have anything cool let me know.

Thanks! DG

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