The Internet's Finest Tropical Fruit Discussion Forum!"All discussion content within the forum reflects the views of the individual participants and does not necessarily represent the views held by the Tropical Fruit Forum as an organization."
During this time of the year, there is no scions to graft to. Don't top work. Just graft on smaller branches. That was what I did to my apricot. Your tree do not fruit most likely the chill hour issue. Find low chill ones like: -cot-n-candy.-flavor delight-katty-gold kist
Apricots are known to bloom but have very poor fruit set under low chill conditions. I've never been able to find an explination as to why. I wonder if Apricot pollen viability is effected by the temperature causing a cultuvar that is reported to be self fertile to no longer be effectively self fertile. If it blooms well enough, maybe grafting some other low chill apricots would give it the bump it needs.
jtnguyen333, it might be not enough water.