Hi everybody,
in the coastal border area between Italy France and Monaco there is a coastal strip with almost subtropical, almost frost free climate at an incredible latitude of around 43,7. For comparison the southern tip of Canada is at 41,7 n lat, much further south. Lots of subtropical stuff like mangos, cherimoyas and different sapotes grow in this coastal area due to the crazy microclimate. Topocho or burro banana is an established fruit plant there and i have harvested it there several times and put it on youtube.
Right now i am trying to establish how far north edible banana cultivation goes in this area by observing the conspicuous banana plants in parks and gardens. My hypothesis was that they grow as far northeast as Andora (the one in the foothills of the Alps, not in the Pyrenees). I managed to find fruiting orinoco bananas there.
How far northest do you think banana cultivation goes in the area? Maybe all the way north along the coast to Genova (44,4 lat, no subtropical climate)? Or maybe even to the Italian Lakes in Switzerland (lat 46,0) where there exists another warm temperate microclimate? The USDA zone for the Monaco area is 10, for the lakes 9.
Or doyou know other areas further north with confirmed tasty edible banana cultivation?
Genova (lat 44,4).