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Messages - Fruitdork

Pages: [1]
Temperate Fruit Discussion / Re: Trees for Horses/Livestock
« on: March 29, 2019, 12:25:54 PM »
Horse don’t eat guava leaves...but they do love the fruits.  A few fruits a day are fine.   I’m pretty sure too much of any fruit can colic a horse. Like a bucket full of guava for one horse could get him sick.
We use the guava for living fences.
Bamboo is nutritious

Looks like the beluno or white mango fruit.  Sometimes called wani.  M caesiea or something like that.

Hi, they are ready to grow for you.
Minimum order 25$. International 5$ extra. Also you pay for shipping/pack.
Para Dwarf Açaí berry $2
Chupa Chupa 8 seed for 25$ Limited
Mocambo Theobroma bicolor 3$ per seed sold out
Barringtonia edulis cutnut 2$ per seed
Ross Sapote 2.50 $ per seed
Phytelephas macrocarpa yarina ivorynut 5$ per seed all sold out.
ice cream bean 1.50$ per seed
garcinia madrono 2$ per seed
Organically grown by yours truly. 

Wow! Early season this year?

Tropical Fruit Discussion / Re: Malaysia pilgrimage
« on: September 06, 2018, 09:44:45 AM »
What an amazing place Malaysia is.  It becomes nonstop action packed adventure, especially if you are Lindsay ‘s itinerary. 
We enjoyed so many fruits on my bucket list.  Many that we I know how they really taste and I’m happy to have some of them in the earth and picking up speed.
Durio lowianus many types, D kinabaluensis, D kutejensis, D  zib tekka being a new favorite for me, D graveolens yellow,orange,and red, Magnifera wani, M pajang, Garcinia mesta, G forbesii, Dabai ( wow!!!), enkala, many chempedaks (I agree, winner),  Bauccarrea sp 3types. 
We ended up going to Borneo.  Got to visit a jungle lodge and saw many monkeys, elephant  , many bird types, and orangutans at the sanctuary . 

That was great to meet you Peter and enjoy some durians with a fellow fruit grower.  The fruit world seems is kinda small.  Who would’ve thought I’d meet a felllow forum member across the world , away from both our homes.
I was happy to see your son with you sharing the enthusiasm, hope my kids will carry on the legacy here.

Tropical Fruit Discussion / Re: Update on Russells Sweet Garcinia
« on: September 01, 2018, 11:51:57 PM »
In the photos, in the picture it looks like a big difference in the leaf shape/ size.  Should I look at my ones and assess growth/leaf size for sex prediction ?  All of them are the same age but some are a lot smaller. 

Tropical Fruit Discussion / Re: Plant ID help needed.
« on: August 28, 2018, 04:17:18 AM »
2 madrono maybe
4 achachairu

Tropical Fruit Discussion / Re: Best mango varieties for high rainfall
« on: August 06, 2018, 09:27:03 AM »
Maprangs can be an ok replacement for mangoes in wet areas.  Sweet and sweet sour types. Not as good though. 
Magnifera rubrapeltata or something spelled like that supposedly does well in wet areas.  Never tried yet. Our tree is 8ft, soon we hope.
What about Wani white mango, and lilijiwo?

Put on papaya like lemon

Hi it's Micah , my new account
Both, the ones in the sun seem to be healthier.  All were outplanted with some shade cloth cages.
Some I put under gliricidia tee for it to climb upon, but it seems too shady cause they are growing a lot slower than the one in full sun next to a coconut seedling. Yup slow....

Tropical Fruit Discussion / Re: Update on Russells Sweet Garcinia
« on: June 09, 2018, 10:57:21 AM »
Soon I'll be planting our 4 russels sweet in the earth. They are also  about 2ft tall.
Mike T thanks again for spreading this gem of a fruiT! Do you know if the seeds sent to Hawaii were from a pollinated fruit from a male?
I recently read that the females if unpollinated will only make female seed.  Wonder if it true?
Hopefully one of us in Hawaii has male scions to share in the future.

Maybe he's lurking in the shadows... seeking, stalking, peeping.

Aloha Brethren
Wow how does a Rampangi taste?  Does it differ from kuini? Can u tell us about this one steph?
I love those kuini.  Casturi's are delicious too!

Tropical Fruit Buy, Sell & Trade / Re: Guidelazeri
« on: March 19, 2018, 12:05:56 PM »
What a great seller!
Thank you Guilherme for the opportunity to grow these extremely rare treasures of Brazil 🇧🇷.
Seeds arrived perfectly packed.  Excellent media used at the perfect moisture, so almost all the seed were sprouting.
Everyone looked vibrant with life.
Usually Annona species are scary to order because of the difficulty of sprouting.  A salzmanni and A coriacea alive and thriving here.
I was so excited, there was no time to take pics...planted!  In a few weeks I'll post photos as they emerge from soil.
Mahalo Nui Loa!

Hi looking for seedlings of these Annona. Anyone have extras for sale?

Tropical Fruit Discussion / Re: Fruit ID in San Diego
« on: January 24, 2018, 10:18:07 PM »
Maybe downy rose mrytle? Rhodomrtis tomentosa or something like that

Tropical Fruit Discussion / Re: Jackfruit Berried Treasure
« on: January 18, 2018, 10:36:19 AM »
Aloha everyone!
Our trees here also have flowers second year of them.  No fruits yet.
Floods/wild horses/ and pigs did a bunch of damage to those ambers and berry trees.
I post when they do set fruit
Thanks again Mike T!


Tropical Fruit Discussion / Re: New ID from Fiji Islands
« on: January 17, 2018, 10:31:53 AM »
Kinda looks like pili nut or relative?

Aloha anyone have extra seedlings of this gem? My ones didn't sprout yet.
Would love to hear about growing experience with this rarity
Happy New Year!

Tropical Fruit Discussion / Re: Dont be a Stupid Plucker
« on: December 03, 2017, 10:11:53 AM »
we grew up calling um jabong here in Hawaii .
Jabong- the last sound you hear as it falls on your head!

Aloha brethren,
In the nursery should they be in full sun or partial?
As far as watering goes? Is it ok to water every day like our other plants? Or should I set aside an annona cerrado zone that gets less watering?  They look like they are quite hardy.
You get royal carpet treatment when you visit Hawaii from me.

Aloha Giampaolo!
Mahalo Nui Loa for sharing these amazing Annonas.
The plants look great!  No jet lag
Please keep me on the list for next available 🌱.
I repotted them and have them in full sun.  So far they look happy .

Tropical Fruit Discussion / Re: Durianwriter wants to login
« on: June 14, 2017, 06:55:13 PM »
Aloha Ben
On this trip Hashtag #toofoodformonthong# was coined by fellow durianlover Pierce haha
It's hard to choose a favorite with all the different types we tried, but right now i feel like slurping a white lady boy.  A lighter creamy one. Especially when chilled a little
Also Top notch to me was ghan yao, long lap lae(like Mike T mentioned), and puang manee (got to meet the farmer lady that it was named for).
Great to see natural farming in some parts...the durians all taste better when farmed this way.
Now I know I can't eat durian 24/7. Once or twice a day is plenty!

Tropical Fruit Discussion / Durianwriter wants to login
« on: June 14, 2017, 08:14:30 AM »
Aloha this is Micah I had to create a new account cause I forgot my password. I've tried to go through the steps to reset my password...but to no avail.
Im in Thailand and was hanging out with Lindsay Gasik aka durianwriter.  She's hoping the administration can shoot her an email so she can login to her account. She also has been through the steps for resetting password but got rejected.
Her knowledge is much appreciated on this forum...hopefully one of y'all can help.

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