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Topics - gnappi

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Tropical Fruit Discussion / Another banner year for Rollinia coming
« on: January 17, 2025, 03:48:55 PM »
Every year my Rollinia has produced just a few more fruits and this year is shaping up really nicely.

Is anyone's Rollinia looking good>

Tropical Fruit Discussion / Another bust or banner year for Rollinia?
« on: December 29, 2024, 12:56:27 PM »
What are you folks who grow Rollinia seeing? Mine is doing well and as expected fruits are ranging from quarter size to the size of a hard baseball and more flowers erupting.

Tropical Fruit Discussion / Would you buy an unnamed fruit tree?
« on: November 13, 2024, 10:45:44 AM »
Yesterday I was in Lowes and they had an unusually nicely shaped guava (upward growth habit like a tree and not a bush) in a 5 gallon container at ~5' tall that had experienced and had fully recovered from a water deficiency but it had no cultivar or price stickers attached  to it.

Most of the other samples in stock were marked with price but not cultivar but were small in 1 gallon containers and $29. Since this one was the only fairly large one a manager priced it at $11 so I took it home. Sure it could be a dud like some of those I bought there marked "Mexican Cream" which were hard and bland but I figured I'd take a chance.

The question is, would any of you take a chance and buy a good sized and healthy fruit tree that is priced reasonably and not marked with the cultivar?


Tropical Fruit Discussion / How to safely clean grungy pots
« on: November 11, 2024, 06:41:12 PM »
I have two large clay pots (one with a guava in it the other empty) that have moss and algae on them and I want to completely clean them without leaving any chlorine or chemicals behind on the pots that could cause injury to the plant.

Without having to find a way to pressure clean them, does anyone have any ideas?

Tropical Fruit Discussion / Air layering Guava
« on: October 28, 2024, 10:24:07 AM »
Of the few I have done I've had about 50% success rate air layering guava and I'd like to increase that rate. A few of the videos I've seen use rooting hormone on the branch before wrapping and I wonder if using hormone will help? Also, I'm currently using coco coir and if there is a better media to use I'm eager to learn.

PS, is there a "good, better, best" type or is gibberellic acid the go to?


Tropical Fruit Discussion / New Guavas
« on: October 24, 2024, 04:40:06 PM »
On a lark I tried Excalibur (So. Flo) to see if they had Barbie Pink guava in stock and since I was going up there I got one. They also had a VARIEGATED guava.

Tropical Fruit Discussion / Weird Rollinia habit
« on: September 27, 2024, 08:55:55 AM »
Last year my Rollinia set a lot of fruit, so much so almost every flower got pollinated. This year it bloomed like fireworks and not one fruit set. 

Last summer in south Florida (north Broward county) it was much drier and I had to water it regularly with well water and this year we've been drenched by rain and I have not watered it at all.

Could all of the rain washing away pollen and lack of nutrients from the well water be the reason for zero fruit?

Tropical Fruit Discussion / My first (from my tree) soursop
« on: August 29, 2024, 11:03:03 AM »
It's been a L-O-N-G wait (14 years) but I just ate the first soursop my stingy tree gave me.

Every year it's had tons of blooms but no fruit. My Atemoya, Rollinia, custard apple and two sugar apple have done well which is frustrating trying to get this one to fruit.

This fall maybe I'll prune it and all the other trees around it to make the next set of buds more accessible to the many ants that frequent the trunk of the tree, failing that it just may need to get the chop.

Oh, I really liked the fruit :-)

Tropical Fruit Discussion / Horticultural oil for mosquitos?
« on: July 04, 2024, 02:28:57 PM »
Since the rains started the mosquitos in my yard have been unbearable. A few days ago several were floating all around me like planes in the battle of Britain.

I do not spray pesticides but I had a spray bottle of ag horticultural oil nearby, set it to fine mist and doused the fleet of mosquitos as they hovered around me.

Today not one has attacked me sitting in the shade of my trees.

Something to try?

Tropical Fruit Discussion / My Jaboticaba blooms
« on: July 02, 2024, 05:41:01 PM »
OK, maybe not new news but this is the first time in ~10 years of fruiting it's flowered and held fruit the second time.

Can this be expected from a mature Jabo of 20 years?

After getting a dozen or so Rollinia to sprout, I potted those that sprouted and threw a handful of seeds in a pot and forgot about them. A few weeks later that pot looks like a chia pet! It seems as if all of them sprouted. Has anyone had better than expected results growing Rollinia from seed?

PS. I now have dozens of seedling available free in southeast Florida PM for details.

Tropical Fruit Discussion / Anyone have red malaysian guava
« on: June 20, 2024, 08:39:17 AM »
Recently I found out that my GF loves guava so I'm looking to add to my guava collection. Does anyone have the Red Malaysian?

Does any comments on the flavor, or growing habits?

Tropical Fruit Discussion / Storing compost
« on: June 19, 2024, 11:56:21 AM »
I generally use up much of my compost batches, what I do not use straightaway I give to friends.

My last compost batch I put between a stone wall and my house for storage. It was beautiful and the worms happily infested it :-)

Now a few months later the "compost" if I can call it that is made up of hard nodules and clumps of fine veiny roots. I'm guessing the worms and their tea had something to do with this but is this compost usable? If not how to recover all of my effort to make it usable again?


Once again I have some seedlings to give away.

1. I have a limited number of Rollinia seedlings for first COME face to face pickup in north Broward Florida.

About the parent tree...

I bought this unnamed cultivar as a 4'-6' stick in 2/2020 and now is approximately 14' high and is in relatively constant bloom. It seems to be self fertile as I am not aware of anything pollinating it. This summer I've taken about 12 nicely sized ripe fruits and the fruit and tree seem to be pest resistant.

2. Two Makok saplings in ground.

About the parent tree...

It's in constant bloom and despite her being shaded by a mango tree it has a regular supply of saps mostly year round. It's about 12' tall (never topped) and has been in ground since 3/2011

3. I have a few "Supreme" loquat seedlings.
About the parent tree...

Has been in ground since 2/2015 is a shy bearer but the fruit is juicy and sweet. It's heavily shaded, he NEEDS light but the condo in back of me has some 50+ foot garbage trees shading it. I got it from a commercial mango producer and loquat collector that was diddling with parentage, he gave it the Supreme name. The samples he had when he gave me the tree were outstanding.

The catch(es)...

NO shipping of any sort, NO delivery, ONE seedling per person, BYOP (bring your own pot with soil) anyone who has a fruiting ornamental seeded banana to trade can have two Rollinia seedlings :-)

PM me for details.

Tropical Fruit Discussion / Rollinia dropping green leaves
« on: May 24, 2024, 10:41:47 AM »
My Rollinia has been in ground over 4 years now (bought as a ~5' tall seedling) and this is the first time I've had it dropping perfect green leaves (the leaves are not curling) and in large quantities. It's still holding fruit and the tree is covered with flowers which are NOT dropping!

When I first noticed it and knowing we have been having a long dry spell, I've been drench watering it weekly with well water with two hoses left on full blast around the canopy. 

It got its spring fertilization a month or more ago with the excellent Excalibur nursery fertilizer.

Anyone have an idea what may be the issue?

Tropical Fruit Discussion / Lychee exploded!
« on: May 15, 2024, 11:26:36 PM »
After many years waiting for them my sweetheart finally came through with a bumper crop here in So. Flo.

Anyone else?

Tropical Fruit Discussion / Sigh, new leaves on Guava curling
« on: May 04, 2024, 08:39:53 AM »
I unfurl the leaves, and do not find pests, and the new leaves are dying and have holes in them.

They're well hydrated, I've sprayed them with all seasons horticultural oil and clipped off the growth.

Anyone have an idea what pest could be causing this and might suggest corrective action?

PS: I recently used imidacloprid but that takes time.

Tropical Fruit Discussion / Scarlet Guava.
« on: April 27, 2024, 03:48:53 PM »
I went to the Rare Fruit and Veg sale today in south west Broward (thx for the heads up Alex) and I stumbled on a Guava cultivar called "Scarlet" I asked a worker there what it was and she said they didn't know more than it's a new variety.

I could find very little online about it other than a video I located from Cali or Viet Nam? The fruit in the vid coincidentally has the same ID label as the one I bought which now has 2 large and 2 small fruits on it.

The fruit in the video is fairly large!  Anyone in here have one or know anything about it?

As a side note, many of the trees there were sad looking, full of rust, not trimmed, growing mish mash entwined together and it was much too crowded for my likes. Maybe I'll try going later in the day tomorrow or on Sunday the next time I go there.


Tropical Fruit Discussion / Musa velutina luck?
« on: April 17, 2024, 01:11:20 PM »
Way back I ordered some Musa velutina pink banana seeds and since I had no experience with planting banana seeds all failed to germinate.

Today I received another batch with very specific instructions on how to get them to germinate and my fingers are crossed.

I know they're seedy, but I wonder if anyone has tried selecting from less seedy fruits to get fewer seeds across several generations?

Anyway, has anyone in So. Flo. or other warm climate successfully grown these? Comments? Suggestions?

Tropical Fruit Discussion / Banana Q's
« on: April 10, 2024, 09:43:39 PM »
I have several "dwarf" banana plants and all throw out a flag leaf at around 4'-5' and their leaves are all rather long at ~4'-5'.

One plant sends out a flag leaf with the plant still under 3' in height but the last few leaves before the flag are stunted almost as small as the flag leaf itself. Weird.

Is this one be some cultivar other than what I "think" I have, those being dwarf mysore and dwarf cavendish. Is there another named cultivar that fits this one's growth habit?

Tropical Fruit Discussion / pink banana (musa veluntina)
« on: April 09, 2024, 07:01:16 AM »
I have tried growing these before by trying to start from five seeds I bought, none germinated. So I'm now awaiting 20 more seeds and I am going to give them another try.

Does anyone have experience growing these? Can you give and advice on how to get best germination rate and methods to plant them in favorable soil get them to bear fruit?

PS. I have a number of true dwarf banana plants and have had great success with them.

Tropical Fruit Discussion / More Parafilm Q's
« on: April 04, 2024, 08:57:29 PM »
I just got a batch of parafilm to replace some that dried out in my shed.

Question, how do I store it so it doesn't dry out and crack? Seal in plastic in the dark?

How long should Parafilm be usable given it's stored properly?

Well it was more than the tree could hold and the massive amount of new growth along with a large crop of fruit, a huge chunk of my mulberry tree broke off. I spent the better part of a day chopping it up holding larger branches to cut into pieces less than 5" around for feeding my firepit next year.

I left an enormous pile of branches for the trash guys but they were gone in an hour and it was not a trash day, it seems my neighbor took it for wood to smoke meats.

Gads the wood oozes so much latex I'd have thought that it would make meat taste like a surgeon's glove :-) After reading that many use seasoned mulberry with the dried bark as a smoke wood I still have reservations on smoking food with it. To that end I started skinning / bark removing a bunch of them to try smoking meat with.

My questions are...

Does anyone here use mulberry in their smoker?

If so do you use it with or without the bark?

If so have you tried it with and without the bark and do you notice a flavor difference in the meat??

Also I buy a truckload of "Australian pine" for the firepit. The seller says it's a HARD wood (proven by my giving up trying to chop it) and makes delightful smoke wood.

Any comments on Australian pine as a smoke wood?

Tropical Fruit Buy, Sell & Trade / Paw Paw in south Fla?
« on: March 27, 2024, 11:38:38 AM »
Anyone had success with it?

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