Tropical Fruit Discussion / Re: Vanilla pompona from seed?
« on: September 02, 2024, 09:59:57 PM »
They are right, the seeds look like pollen, they are that tiny. And then there is no guarantee that the seeds are actually fertile.
EVERYTHING can kill them, which is why they need to be started in sealed flasks in sterile agar. I have flasked orchids before, and it is fun, and a really long-term commitment. It can be several years before they are ready to be de-flasked, and then they are tiny seedlings. Then they move up to covered cups for a year or so. You would be looking at several more years to get them to a good size.
As a project, it is rewarding, but if you are looking to actually produce anything, get cuttings. Mine grow like weeds. If you got hold of a few cuttings, you could easily propagate them way faster than growing them from seed.
EVERYTHING can kill them, which is why they need to be started in sealed flasks in sterile agar. I have flasked orchids before, and it is fun, and a really long-term commitment. It can be several years before they are ready to be de-flasked, and then they are tiny seedlings. Then they move up to covered cups for a year or so. You would be looking at several more years to get them to a good size.
As a project, it is rewarding, but if you are looking to actually produce anything, get cuttings. Mine grow like weeds. If you got hold of a few cuttings, you could easily propagate them way faster than growing them from seed.