« on: November 07, 2022, 12:08:49 AM »
Hey all,
Always been interested in growing things, got started with super hot peppers then went and lived in Antarctica for a few years on a research station. No fresh fruits and veggies for a few years caused me to buy a house in north Florida in 2019 and I’ve been working on a home orchard since then.
I have successfully grown citrus and peaches to fruiting in that time. Now branching out into some apples, pears, plums, pecans, bananas, and tropical fruit in containers. Currently have 15-25 gallon pots with a Brown Sugar Sapodilla Nispero, Mallika Mango, Mammee Apple, Key West Mamey Sapote, Lara Starfruit, and Purple Star Apple.
Looking forward to engaging with everyone!