Citrus > Cold Hardy Citrus

When to pick limequats


How do you know when to pick limequats?  I am in zone 7a and I have some on my tree outside. Anyone else in zone 7a growing limequats outdoors?

Mike Adams


--- Quote from: Unicyclemike on October 19, 2024, 02:53:51 PM ---How do you know when to pick limequats?  I am in zone 7a and I have some on my tree outside. Anyone else in zone 7a growing limequats outdoors?

Mike Adams

--- End quote ---

We have a decent-sized plant on our patio which we store in a pop-up greenhouse for the Winter so it still experiences temperatures in the 30-40°F range. I pick them when they are larger and have some give when I squeeze them. Of course you can wait for them to color up too but that can take quite a while. I've been picking them green year round.

I have Tavares in my winter garden, so frost free. I wait until they are fully yellow. The taste goes then into the direction of oranges and the peel is edible. But for pure Lime taste it is probably better to pick them green.


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