Citrus > Cold Hardy Citrus

New Hardy Citrus Varieties 2024

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Hey everyone, I just wanted to share some of our breeding/selection work. Our goal has been to collect and grow out as many open-pollinated Poncirus hybrid seeds as possible, and graft the most vigorous and/or promising ones onto 1-2 year old rootstock to expedite their growth and maturity.
Our best performer so far has been a Clem-yuz 2-2 and trifoliate orange hybrid (tentatively named Tri-clem-yuz #1), which went from germinating this past Winter, to grafted and ~4 feet tall by Fall. It's very vigorous, with dark, attractive, and fragrant foliage (all similar to its Clem-yuz 2-2 parent), and shows some promise in terms of hardiness, although time will tell.
All of these plants are being grown in rows outdoors in a very windy, unprotected, and full sun location. They are surrounded by landscape fabric and all of them are grafted onto Rubidoux trifoliate orange. I will update their profiles on our website as we collect more data, and the plants mature.
In the meantime, I hope you find this interesting and please feel free to share your projects as well.

All very interesting.

The first one is my favourite. Its hardiness should probably be okay, I hope its fruit will be mostly like Clemyuz fruit. That can be a great one. I am very curious to see what becomes of it.

Very interesting project and good information.
Let s hope for good fruit with good frosthardiness 👍

Excellent, I expect the upcoming decades to be exciting for Cold Hardy Citrus enthusiasts.


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