Everything Else > Tropical Vegetables and Other Edibles

FL summer gardening ideas - best tasting & productive vegetables/herbs

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Best thing I have done for the banana, taro guild is ash. Either from charcoal or wood. It makes them go from average to giant in about a month. I have piled mulch, kitchen scraps, chop & drop, compost, chicken mature, 10 10 10, miracle grow and any other source of food I can throw at them but never had results like ash. It is like turning on the growth switch. Always lots of water, they love water.
During our wet season, Taro grows in the ditches here.

The only vegetable I grow during the summer is chaya AKA tree spinach. We have been  trying different things to make with it. Everything from adding it to eggs to a pretty decent swiss chard substitute. Nice thing is once the plants mature you get a lot of leaves. Its fairly pest resistant, the  Sri Lankan weevils, aphids,squirrels and rabbits so far have not touched any of the plants. Maybe due to the sap and the need to boil the leaves before they are safe to eat.

I tried growing longevity spinach. It grows well here but is a slug and snail magnet. Plus the leaves are a bit slimy when cooked. I can't eat it raw .

Just harvested sweet potatoes grown over the summer in a subtropical arid climate. I plant them around June mostly for ground cover and compost greens but they've been very productive this year. This is from about 3 square meters.


--- Quote from: CrowdedTown on August 14, 2024, 04:40:36 AM ---The only vegetable I grow during the summer is chaya AKA tree spinach. We have been  trying different things to make with it. Everything from adding it to eggs to a pretty decent swiss chard substitute. Nice thing is once the plants mature you get a lot of leaves. Its fairly pest resistant, the  Sri Lankan weevils, aphids,squirrels and rabbits so far have not touched any of the plants. Maybe due to the sap and the need to boil the leaves before they are safe to eat.

I tried growing longevity spinach. It grows well here but is a slug and snail magnet. Plus the leaves are a bit slimy when cooked. I can't eat it raw .

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I grew Lagos spinach this summer as a greens option, and it grew great, and was a pretty looking plant too. It grows such tall stalks it’s like a vertical garden for spinach.


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