I got a box of Aravaipa from Marta last year. The taste is mediocre I'd say. Reminds me of Bacon but they are a little smaller and the skin is edible on Aravaipa, without the bitter taste in Bacon skins.
I have gotten Mexicola boxes from Marta a couple times now, and those are really really good flavor. Tiny fruit (average about 70g in the box I got from her last week), but also a tiny seed (under 15g seed). I think there are multiple Mexicola cultivars in circulation, hers is better than the others I've tried. Seed is a lot smaller, flavor is excellent (nutty), they seem to have good oil content and the skin is very soft when ripe, easy to eat along with the fruit.
I believe Marta is planning to add a few more Mexicola boxes soon, I definitely recommend those over Aravaipa for fruit quality. But Aravaipa have much more vigorous seedlings that make excellent rootstocks. Her Mexicolas always grow more slowly, probably because of the tiny seeds.
Here are some photos of Mexicola seeds & fruit from my latest box from her: