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Messages - D-Grower

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I do but not enough to sell at this time

This species grafts onto wax myrtle right? I have that growing wild on my land. We often get temps below 20F and can get snow as it snowed 4 or so inches last night in the FL panhandle. It is 100% confirmed it can handle that and grow here?
Yes it does!
20 is totally fine
Mine made it through teens totally fine
If you ever want to trade for some wax myrtle rootstocks I’m so down!
Need more rootstock lol

I'll see if I can dig some smaller ones if I can find them. Unfortunately I had removed some larger plants from my land. I would have left some if I knew I could have grafted them here. I'll see what I can find around in terms of small plants that would be shippable. Right now everything is still iced over but I'm definitely down to trade at some point.

This species grafts onto wax myrtle right? I have that growing wild on my land. We often get temps below 20F and can get snow as it snowed 4 or so inches last night in the FL panhandle. It is 100% confirmed it can handle that and grow here?

Plenty of rhizomes available for both these types of galangal ginger available. $5 for a good sized piece with a minimum of 2 pieces plus applicable shipping costs. As the names kinda suggest the lesser form is less tall(3ft or so with skinny leaves) and has skinnier long rhizomes and the greater form gets about 6ft tall with wide leaves and has nice thick rhizomes. Both are very ginger type spicy more so than regular culinary ginger and have great medicinal value. Hit me up!


Hadn't heard of that one its pretty cool looking.

I have some large trees of these that I have not grafted. I'm looking to graft these in spring, in a few months. They are grown in large pots, dwarf is preferred.

I'm looking for citrus, avocado, ice cream bean, annona, starfruit, tamarind, white sapote, pineapple guava, loquat, peanut butter fruit, and baobab.

I am in zone 7b PA. Will pay for these, unless you want to trade fig cuttings. Thank you!

I do have Fantastic avocado I can take scions from. My tree is only 6ft tall right now and I'm about to wrap it up today for the next week as we are getting ready for some possible snow and extended time under freezing temps. Tree is young so I'm not gonna risk it yet. I wish I could get to my star fruit trees for you. They are 8hrs south of me in my dad's yard. Good fruiting trees I grew from seeds like 13 or so years ago. Makes large sweet fruits but also a variety of size fruits at the same time. However too far to travel to get scions from. I do have Pineapple guava that make good fruits too. Variety of sizes but also some quite large fruits in the mix too. Both are seedling bushes too and not a particular cultivar. Do have some of the other stuff you want but not yet fruiting seed grown trees.

Tropical Fruit Buy, Sell & Trade / Re: FL red Sugarcane quick sale
« on: January 19, 2025, 07:50:53 AM »
I personally chew on it after shaving the skin off a section. Not the softest out there most likely but still chewable. It does seem to hold up a good while once cut free of its roots. The buds can stay viable probably over a week if not a bit longer.

Tropical Fruit Buy, Sell & Trade / FL red Sugarcane quick sale
« on: January 18, 2025, 06:28:56 PM »
Having to cut down some canes before a major freeze event. $5 per 3 node cuttings. If some pieces have to be cut as 2 node cuttings I'll  add an extra or cut other pieces as 4 nodes if possible because of lengths. Minimum of 3 cuttings at $15 plus applicable shipping. Diameter of canes vary widely so they may come various size diameters. If you live up north I have 72hr heating packs for an additional $5 per package but cannot guarantee anything for sure. It's also gonna be extremely cold the next week so consider that as well. Buyer's risk. First come first served. Paypal and cashapp are accepted payments. Trades considered for other varieties, various herb plants, and low chill or otherwise cold hardy fruits. Hit me up!

Know the post is not exactly in the right subforum but placed here intentionally for high visibility.


What type of figs you got?

I'll likely pic some of these up from you when I can get some spending cash. How long you suppose you'll still have them available?

I'm going with 225

Bunches of elderberry cuttings available. Cuttings are $3 each with a minimum of 4 at $12 plus applicable shipping costs. Priority mail or flat rate if cheaper. Hit me up!

Thanks! DG

Temperate Fruit Buy, Sell, & Trade / Re: Golden Dorsett apple scions
« on: January 12, 2025, 03:06:25 PM »
Many Golden Dorsett apple scions available now. Price is the same as in original post. Hit me up!

Temperate Fruit Buy, Sell, & Trade / Re: Bronze scuppernog grape cuttings
« on: January 12, 2025, 03:04:42 PM »
Many of these bronze muscadine cuttings available for sale now. Price is the same as the original post. Hit me up!

Still lots of Sugarcane cuttings available. Get them before it gets too cold. If I have to cut them down before a major freeze I'll likely plant them quickly. Now is the time to grab yours!

I just harvested some native Hawthorne fruits from a local tree here in the Florida panhandle. The fruits are yellowish when ripe. Decent sized but not huge maybe about the diameterof a quarter. They are tart and kinda astringent but not horribly so. Sure it would make for a good medicinal variety or rootstock for other better eating types. If you want some seeds hit me up. Not sure of the exact species.

Tropical Fruit Buy, Sell & Trade / Re: Edible Bamboo Search
« on: October 09, 2024, 02:34:20 PM »
i have waya bamboo, dendrocalamus membranaceus. makes large edible shoots. reportedly productive.

Hope you survive the storm that's incoming if you haven't left town. Lots of friends and family are staying unfortunately. I'll be praying for y'all.

Tropical Fruit Buy, Sell & Trade / Re: Edible Bamboo Search
« on: October 07, 2024, 04:46:51 PM »
Might be able to help you out eventually. I have oldhamii and Seabreeze. Both I believe are good edibles.

I bought one of these a few months back. Really nice healthy plants for sure. I up potted it and it's put on considerable growth already. Don't hesitate to buy. The CORGs I bought were very nice too.

Tropical Fruit Discussion / Re: Jabo45 anyone know if he's all good?
« on: September 28, 2024, 05:29:41 PM »
Fortunately hit far enough east that it didn't hurt here much. 16in of rain was all. Flooded a bit but no big deal. Glad you're all good. Unfortunately the area that it made landfall at is fully devastated. They got hit 3 times this year at the same spot. I saw it rolling through there after the first one and it was fairly bad but this time looks much worse. Anyways thought of you when I was thinking of people I know up that way. Figured I'd ask if you were fine.

Tropical Fruit Discussion / Jabo45 anyone know if he's all good?
« on: September 28, 2024, 04:22:26 PM »
I know Ryan is in TN. Anyone know if he's all good with all the storm flooding up that way.

Red Sugarcane cuttings 3 node pieces $5 each plus shipping. Minimum of 2 cuttings. Plenty available at the moment. Hit me up!


Tropical Fruit Buy, Sell & Trade / Re: Fresh star fruit seeds
« on: August 25, 2024, 11:07:02 AM »
Bunches of seeds still available. Will offer bulk deals if interested.

Sorry I don't have this species any longer myself. Would be into finding it again too. Seemed very hard to keep alive long term. I have had this species around 10 times over the years and it eventually died every time. Best I ever did was straight perlite for soil but it seemed too picky for most any other soil. Had it going well a little over a year that particular time.

Tropical Fruit Buy, Sell & Trade / Re: Fresh star fruit seeds
« on: August 18, 2024, 09:47:34 AM »
Bump. Tons of seeds available.

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