Within the next year I will need to trim / prune a couple of my larger in ground citrus (Satsuma) trees, I live on the 8b/9a line in western Louisiana and have to cover them to protect from occasional hard freezes every couple of years. We had a 14F freeze 2 nights in a row last January at which point I realized just how much my largest citrus trees had grown since the last time I had to cover them 2-3 years ago. The largest one is now about 16-18 ft tall, and about 20 feet wide at its widest, making it difficult to cover. I would like to prune it back to about 12 ft tall and about 15 feet wide as it is now growing into neighboring non-citrus trees.
My question is how and when should I do this, should I wait until after this years fruit are harvested, or winter, spring, do it in one step or in stages, etc.?