Temperate Fruit & Orchards > Temperate Fruit Buy, Sell, & Trade

Wanted Ashitaba- angelica keskei


Curious if anyone has Ashitaba- angelica keskei seeds or plants to trade/sell. Thus far I've had no  success with the two times I have purchased seeds.

I have some stratified pawpaw seeds of various types. Some known, some unknown.
I also have some sunchokes, and yacon (still have to see if it made it through the winter).
I have a lot of different vegetable seeds as well.
I could also make some Jostaberry cuttings.

I have ashitaba but unfortunately none available to sell or trade at this time. I'd be interested in some of what you have though if you're willing to trade for other stuff potentially. I could send you a list of what I have if you're interested. Send me a pm if you like.

You can check with Hawaii Seed Growers and see if they can send out of state.


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